10 Cool Soda Hacks That Will Make Cleaning Easier

Using expensive household chemicals when cleaning the house is, of course, good. But sometimes it’s simply not possible to purchase all these products or you just need to clean the apartment quickly, but so that it is as clean as possible. Girls have long come up with a large number of life hacks that help deal with this matter quickly and efficiently. Most of them are related to the carbonated drinks that teenagers love to drink. But, as it turns out, soda can also be useful when cleaning the house as an effective means for cleaning floors, windows and other surfaces.

The most interesting lifehacks with soda

cleaning with soda
Experienced housewives know that carbonated water helps to cope with many contaminants in the house, so they use it regularly when cleaning the apartment. With the help of mineral water enriched with carbon dioxide, you can clean any surfaces, wash things and even add shine to tarnished jewelry.

cleaning the kettle
Here are the most common ideas for living with soda:

  1. Cleaning stains from hard water (many people know how terrible chrome taps and shower cabin walls look if they are not cleaned for a long time with special products; hard water leaves stains that are difficult to wash off and are noticeable from afar). To deal with them, you just need to fill the surface with mineral water and gas, and then rub it with a dense, hard cloth - the streaks will be gone.
  2. Removing dark stains from coffee and tea. Tea lovers will understand how useful and simple this life hack is: mugs in which coffee or strong black tea is regularly served are often covered with a thin layer of dark coating. Conventional products do not cope well with this contamination, but any carbonated drink can come to the rescue. You need to pour it into the mug and let it sit for a while, after which all that remains is to wash the mug in the usual way with the addition of dishwashing detergent.
  3. Neutralization of unpleasant odors (cat owners know that it is very difficult to remove the smell from cat urine, and expensive products for this purpose very often turn out to be powerless against this “aroma”). Experienced housewives advise using mineral water to remove odors: you just need to wipe the puddle with a thick absorbent cloth, and then fill the area with soda. After some time, wash the floors as usual.
  4. Removing stains from clothes. Water enriched with carbon dioxide can remove quite complex stains from clothes - it helps especially well with stains from red wine or fatty foods, but you need to pour soda on the most fresh stains, then the effect will be much better. After filling a basin with soda, you need to let it sit for a while in this form, and then wash it in a machine or by hand.
  5. Cleaning cutlery. If you're tired of polishing your cutlery to make it shine, sparkling water will help you too. You need to put the devices in a basin and fill them with soda. After lying like this for some time, they will regain their lost shine and beauty.
  6. Fighting burnt fat. Cleaning pots is not the favorite job for any housewife.In order not to spoil your manicure and not waste time and nerves, you can fill the pan with mineral water and go about your business - after a few hours, the fat will easily come off the surface.
  7. Effective cleaning of natural stone. This material is very difficult to care for, all owners of sinks and stone countertops know this. Special chemicals are not suitable here, but carbonated drinks come to the rescue, with the help of which you can easily remove dirt and stains from the surface.
  8. Adding shine to jewelry. Jewelry tends to fade over time and requires careful cleaning to make it sparkle like new again. To make jewelry shine, you need to pour sparkling water into a deep plate, add a few drops of dishwashing detergent or liquid soap and put the jewelry there. It is best to leave them soaked overnight, and in the morning, wash them first with soap and then with clean running water and dry them on a soft cloth.
  9. Parquet floor. Washing floors with water with the addition of soda is very useful, especially if the floor has parquet or laminate - such water will not leave unsightly stains and will help to thoroughly clean the surface of dirt.
  10. Polishing glass and mirrors. There will be no trace of streaks left on glass surfaces; if you wash them with soda, you will not need to purchase special products and rags to give the mirror shine and cleanliness.

Important! Using sparkling water is safe and easy. You can take colorless mineral water enriched with gas, or turn your attention to flavored drinks such as Coca-Cola or Fanta. However, when washing things, it is better to use water that does not contain dyes.

sodaThere are a lot of secrets to using soda.Just look at the method of removing rust from any surface using cola! This is a time-tested and effective way to combat rust stains. No need to clean up them with brushes and spend a lot of time on it. You just need to pour cola over the rusty stain and leave it for a while. Now imagine what cola does TO YOUR STOMACH!

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers