TV in the kitchen: pros and cons

It’s hard to imagine a modern apartment without a TV. Several devices in one apartment are no longer uncommon. But the question arises, where and how best to install such equipment. Do you need a TV in the kitchen?

TV in the kitchen

TV in the kitchen
When placing a TV in the kitchen interior, you need to take into account the positive and negative aspects.


The kitchen has long become a family gathering place. Food is prepared and eaten there, important events of family life are discussed, and decisions affecting all family members are made. Fans of programs and series, who have a TV only in the living room, which is now often not suitable for a feast, bring food there so as not to miss exciting moments. Having a TV in the kitchen will save them from such movements.

The kitchen is the homemaker's office where she spends most of her time. TV brightens up routine daily work, provides fresh information and access to your favorite programs. If there is a cooking show, there is an opportunity to try the recipes shown.

Small apartments (studios, etc.) have limited space. The kitchen space here plays the role of an additional room where it is comfortable to watch TV channels, respecting the interests of the rest of the household. This is especially true for families with small children.

Reference! Modern models are produced with protection from moisture and other adverse conditions; their remote controls can be handled even with wet hands.



The process of eating requires concentration for better digestion, and external stimuli, including television, are distracting. For example, there is a possibility of getting carried away by a TV show and eating more than you wanted.

Cooking is accompanied by various risks: burns, cuts and other injuries are possible. To avoid them, the housewife needs to be attentive; the television screen violates this condition.

During cooking or a feast, the TV turns into a kind of source of background noise: it is mainly listened to while doing business or having a conversation.

Working in the kitchen creates high humidity and temperature, produces fumes and smoke, which can lead to rapid equipment breakdown. The device must be wiped from time to time to remove any dirt that appears.

Where is the best place to place it?

There are two installation options: placement in a new apartment, where the optimal location and height above the floor of the TV panel is planned in advance, or in an interior already furnished with furniture and appliances, which limits the available possibilities.

In any case, follow the recommendations:

The height of the screen should be comfortable for the neck and eyes (from 1.5 to 1.8 m). To take an accurate measurement, look at the intended location of the TV for 10-15 minutes. The absence of unpleasant sensations will indicate the right choice.

The device is placed in the part of the kitchen to which you turn most often (this will eliminate unnecessary movements and, as a result, muscle fatigue). The kitchen table is placed between the spectators and the apparatus. The window should be positioned so that glare does not fall on the screen.

The size of the screen plays an important role, it depends on the available space and the total area of ​​the kitchen.The distance from the eyes to the display should be: for a screen with a diagonal of up to 22 inches - at least 80 cm, 26 - 1 m, 32 - 1.2 m, 40 - at least 1.5 m. Reducing the distance will negatively affect vision.

Do not use tall refrigerators (or similar furniture) as a stand for the device; this will worsen the viewing conditions.

Whether or not to place a TV in the kitchen is up to you, dear reader. By following our tips, you will enjoy your favorite TV shows and maintain your health.

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