Is it worth putting wallpaper in the kitchen? Advantages and disadvantages

Agree, when deciding what the walls in the kitchen will be like, making the final choice can be very difficult. After all, the modern market offers a variety of finishing materials. The most common of them is wallpaper. But are they suitable for the kitchen? Let's find out!

Is it worth gluing wallpaper in the kitchen: pros and cons

Wallpaper on kitchen walls

The kitchen is considered a “wet area” for good reason. Something is constantly being baked, boiled, fried here. The constant companions of any culinary process - splashes of fat, clouds of steam and soot, as well as specific aromas - settle on all surfaces. Therefore, the main requirement for decorative coatings for such premises is lightness and ease of maintenance. How does this fit with wallpaper?

Pros of paper wallpaper

The attractiveness of paper wallpaper is explained by a number of advantages:

  • low cost;
  • ease and speed of gluing;
  • a huge selection of textures and colors.

advantages and disadvantages

Disadvantages of paper wallpaper

When choosing a finishing material, you need to objectively evaluate the disadvantages of wallpaper:

  • fragility;
  • instability to water and detergents;
  • ability to absorb odors.

Of course, it will not be possible to remove dirt from thin paper wallpaper. But no one suggests choosing budget options.In addition, almost all modern kitchens are equipped with household hoods, which do their job perfectly and instantly draw in all the fumes. And the work area is reliably protected by a kitchen apron made of tiles, glass or panels.

The best wallpaper for the kitchen - anti-vandal

anti-vandal wallpaper

There are a wide variety of wallpapers on sale, marked with a special icon “washable" But not all of them are able to withstand numerous wet cleanings using brushes and aggressive chemicals.

If you like changes in the interior and are ready to re-paint the wallpaper every few years with pleasure, then this option is exactly what you need.

If you don’t want to admire numerous stains or regularly change wall coverings, give preference anti-vandal wallpaper.

Features of anti-vandal coatings

anti-vandal wallpaper in the kitchen

Like any materials, this option has both pros and cons.


  • Resistance to mechanical damage. Therefore, you don’t have to worry that there will be scratches on the walls from the backs of chairs or from the sharp claws of pets.
  • High strength. Despite their insignificant thickness, they practically do not tear.
  • Additional water-repellent and dirt-repellent layer Reliably protects against inevitable stains.
  • Chemical resistance. If any dirt gets on the walls, you can easily wash it off with a soap solution and a sponge.
  • UV resistance ability. Even after a few years, the color will be the same as on the day of purchase.
  • Resistant to temperature changes and high humidity.
  • Fire resistance. They have a low degree of flammability and do not emit harmful compounds or soot when burned.
  • Ideal for multiple color applications.


The only drawback of this decoration is the price. Even with a stretch, they cannot be classified as a budget segment, but their service life will more than pay for all investments.



The following types of anti-vandal wallpaper are available for sale:

  • fiberglass;
  • non-woven fabrics for painting;
  • pressed vinyl;
  • vinyl with lamination.

Reference. For the kitchen, the ideal option is fiberglass anti-vandal wallpaper.

A thin, invisible reinforcing layer of fiberglass makes them almost eternal. They do not absorb soot and specific kitchen aromas. They are not afraid of splashes, stains and high humidity. Just wipe them with a wet sponge and they will become absolutely clean. Even children's art made with bright felt-tip pens can be easily washed off with detergents.

Anti-vandal coatings They can be plain or colored, with or without patterns, absolutely smooth and with a pronounced texture.. You can always find a suitable option for any interior.


They are mounted according to the same principle as other wallpapers. So you won’t have any problems decorating the walls in the kitchen. The only additional equipment you will need is a roller and a brush for applying glue. The only difference is the width of the roll. Usually it ranges from 100 to 135 cm.

Are you still unsure whether you should wallpaper your kitchen?

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Washing machines

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