Cleanliness standard: why use kitchen soap

“Soap for the kitchen? What is this anyway?” – most readers will be surprised. Why stock your shelves with another product if regular soap or dishwashing detergent can solve all its problems? But it's not that simple! Kitchen soap is needed for comfort, convenience, cleanliness, order and skin care, which are so often missing in the kitchen rush.

Kitchen soap

Smart formula

First of all, what this product is valued for is its special composition, which helps not only wash your hands and clean kitchen surfaces and utensils, but also eliminate any unpleasant odors. Now you don’t have to throw away your wooden cutting board simply because it has become saturated with the aroma of garlic or fish - we wash it with kitchen soap and enjoy this simple life hack. In addition, the product does not just mask the stench - it eliminates the very reason for its appearance. Most of the usual bars and dishwashing detergents sometimes fail to cope with this task.

The product itself smells quite pleasant, but the most interesting thing is that it really does a good job of removing unpleasant odors from skin or dishes, while the smell of the soap itself hardly remains on your hands.

Kitchen soap

Subtle aromas

When everything in the kitchen is upside down, there is bustle and confusion everywhere, you need to manage to do a lot of things at the same time, the aromas of kitchen soap help create coziness and fill the room with calm.It could be explosive tropical fruits, the harmony of spring primroses, tart coffee beans, fresh green tea, juicy apple or soothing lavender.

You could even say that subtle scents can create an atmospheric mood, especially when you spent the whole day at the stove waiting for guests or loved ones.

Kitchen soap

Hand skin care

Surely you are familiar with the feeling when, after washing dishes, your skin itches and tightens unpleasantly, and sometimes even peels off. As a rule, this is a consequence of contact with aggressive detergents that care little about the health of our skin, because their main goal is to remove fat, soot, stains and food debris.

Kitchen soap does not dry out or irritate the skin, since most manufacturers make the product based on natural ingredients. In addition, kitchen soap sometimes contains care substances that not only do not harm the dermis, but also moisturize it.

Skin care

Multifunctional use

Kitchen soap is not just a whim: it can solve a maximum of problems at a fairly affordable price. Many products cost about 100 rubles, and sometimes they replace both a disinfectant and a detergent.

So what can you use kitchen soap for? Lots of options:

  • washing dishes - copes well with grease;
  • cleaning surfaces: stove, cabinets, glass, countertops, sink, microwave, refrigerator and everything else;
  • processing items that easily absorb unpleasant odors: garlic, fresh fish, spices, meat;
  • washing vegetables and fruits (especially important for products that contain a wax film - a special coating that preserves their presentation);
  • hand washing.

Some compositions have an antiseptic and antibacterial effect, and therefore you will also kill germs.


Of course, buying soap for the kitchen is an excellent solution, but each person chooses for himself what he needs. If you have never used such a product, then be sure to try it and appreciate all the benefits.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers