Kitchen renovation: 4 important areas to pay attention to

The kitchen is one of the most difficult rooms to renovate. Moisture, food residues, odors - there are many nuances to take into account. Today I will tell you about 4 kitchen areas that need special attention when renovating.

Dishwashing area

The sink is one of the three most visited places in this room, along with the stove and refrigerator. However, it is she who can cause the most inconvenience. From personal experience, I can say that stuffing it into a corner table is a bad idea. And even worse is to hang a cabinet directly above it. Headaches from constant collisions of the head with a door or corner are guaranteed.

Sink in the corner of the kitchen

The shape of the sink itself also plays a big role. If it were up to me, I would triple mine! It’s better to go overboard with the size than awkwardly try to squeeze all the dishes inside after cooking. Fortunately, at least my faucet is high enough. If you make it too low, the already unpleasant kitchen cleaning will turn into torture.

Tabletops of all varieties and colors

It’s better not to even think about a black or red surface. Pure white is also a dubious option. All these shades hide crumbs, pieces of vegetables and other food debris very well. And the sugar scattered on the white table is a real ninja in terms of stealth! The most suitable color for kitchen surfaces is beige or brown with some subtle pattern.

However, don’t rush to buy a marble or wooden countertop! They hide pieces of food no worse, but right inside themselves. The first material has many microcracks where dirt gets clogged. The second absorbs odors too well, and in general requires careful care. For the same reason, I don't use wooden cutting boards.

Black tables in the kitchen

Plus, it’s pretty important to let yourself go! There should be enough vertical surfaces so that two people can cook comfortably at once. Even if there is only one person living in the house. However, this is only if the square meters allow. But what everyone can certainly do is reduce the number of sharp corners. In the kitchen, speed is often needed, so chefs often crash into the headset. And colliding with a rounded surface is better than colliding with a sharp one. Trust my experience...

Air space

A little strange, but an important area in the kitchen. It is in this room that we prepare food, which means that different smells hover around, the room warms up from the heat of the oven or stove. For these reasons, the air space of the kitchen needs two things: enclosure and regulation. With the first one, everything is simple - the room must be separated from the house by a door. And preferably without cracks. This way the smells won't fly away. The second is achieved by installing a hood. There's nothing worse than stale air in the kitchen after an evening of cooking.

Right under our feet

Last but not least, the area is the floor. Everything is quite simple with it - it should be as functional as possible. The emphasis should be placed not on beauty, but on convenience. This means no parquet or linoleum, only tiles. It is easy to clean, it will not be damaged by moisture or grease, and will not absorb odors.However, it is important to choose the right color! My bed linen at home is beige with a gray haze pattern. And this is just a terrible decision - it always seems to me that the floor is dirty. It would be much better to lay tiles of a uniform light color.

Kitchen floor tiles

Of course, these are not all the nuances of kitchen renovations. However, I tried to highlight the most important areas that often cause problems. To ensure there are no problems with them, you can go to the website of some professional company and order help with repairs from them. Often this will be more reliable.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers