Truths and lies about the kitchen: refutation and confirmation of 11 myths

More than once I have come across slightly strange and sometimes extremely absurd theories about the capabilities of kitchen equipment. Sometimes all you need is your eyes to refute them. However, there are also statements that can only be assessed by immersing in the details. Today I will talk about some myths about kitchen utensils and show you what the truth is.

Rare use of equipment will prolong its life

A very controversial thesis, not true in all cases. For example, leaving your dishwasher idle for several weeks can damage the tank and pump seals. On the other hand, many electronics are neither cold nor hot from inactivity. So overall this is rather a myth.

Radiation from microwave ovens is harmful to health

Such statements are not uncommon, but you should not believe them. In fact, microwave ovens are absolutely safe for humans.At least if the door is in good working order and tightly closed during operation.


Washing dishes by hand is much faster and more economical

For some reason, people think that dishwashers waste an insane amount of money. In reality, modern models are not much different from human labor in terms of resource consumption. Unless the owner is used to washing a mountain of dishes with one cup of water.

A full refrigerator works better

This applies, rather, to freezers, which are indeed more productive when fully loaded. However, in a situation with a refrigerator, it is important, on the contrary, to leave space between products - for better air circulation. This will save energy and extend the life of the compressor.

Clogged refrigerator

Standby mode does not consume much electricity

Quite a popular and expensive misconception. For example, a microwave oven left plugged in consumes about 6 W. Of course, not all technology is so voracious. However, it is always better to turn off devices that are not needed at a particular moment.

Corrosion racks do not cause damage to the dishwasher

In fact, rust particles can destroy seals and scratch cookware. Timely replacement of this part will avoid costly repairs in the future. However, in the short term this is really not so scary.

Dishwasher rack

The dishwasher will not ruin expensive dishes

This is not entirely true. Still, the best way to extend the life of porcelain and ceramic products is to carefully wash them in the sink.

The contents must be rinsed before running the dishwasher.

Although this seems logical, in most cases it is actually a waste of time. Modern devices are even better at cleaning dirtier dishes.If the machine determines that its contents are fairly clean, it can automatically run a cooler, shorter wash cycle.

Baking soda is ideal for absorbing unpleasant odors.

Today, there are other, more effective methods of combating stench. The same activated carbon will cope with this task much more effectively. However, in the absence of other options, the notorious soda will do.

It is not necessary to clean the outside of the refrigerator

This is a completely false statement. Removing dust from the outside is required for the correct functioning of the capacitor coils. This is not a difficult job - it will not take much effort. However, preventative cleaning significantly extends the life of equipment.

Dusty refrigerator coils

The self-cleaning oven requires no maintenance

If you properly care for your oven, you should clean the ventilation filter regularly or change it at least once a year. It is necessary to get rid of accumulated fat. Automation will not be able to perfectly clean everywhere on its own.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers