Why shouldn't you store vegetable oil in the kitchen cabinet?

Where do you keep sunflower oil? Let me guess - on the kitchen table or in a hanging cabinet not far from the stove. Of course, this is very convenient: it is always at hand and in sight, which greatly simplifies the process of preparing any dish.

But if you take it honestly and still read what is indicated on the packaging, you will get the following: after opening, the oil should be stored exclusively in the refrigerator. Let's find out why.


How to store vegetable oil

The ideal temperature for sunflower oil is from +8°C, but not more than +17°C. However, in the refrigerator it does not exceed +4°.

This temperature range has a very negative effect on the quality and taste of the product: the oil becomes rancid, all the beneficial substances contained in it are destroyed - lipids, vitamin E. In addition, a not very pleasant smell often appears. All this is a consequence of improper storage. It is clear that such oil is completely unsuitable for culinary delights. But the most dangerous thing is to use it for frying! As it heats up, it will also begin to release poison.


Of course, the question rightly arises: where to store the oil?

In general, containers with sunflower oil can be placed both in the closet and on the table. But only until you unscrew the lid. And then - even a closed container should not be exposed to direct sunlight, otherwise the product will become bitter. The place for the oil should be extremely cool.This, purely hypothetically, could be a shelf in a closet, but let it be cool there, because the space near the stove is immediately eliminated.

Moreover, do not forget that as soon as you open the bottle, the shelf life of the product is significantly reduced. It would also be nice if you completely pour the oil into a more suitable container - glass, preferably dark. Remember that plastic, whatever one may say, is a harmful material that over time begins to release hazardous substances.

It is best to store opened sunflower oil in the refrigerator. The top shelf is great for this. Here the temperature is just within acceptable limits - +8°C.


There is one trick to keep the oil fresh as long as possible. You need to put a pea or bean in the bottle. But to make it always smell nice, you can add a small bay leaf or dry cloves.

Storing oil depending on its type

  • Add a little vodka (about 30-40 ml) to a bottle of vegetable oil, and then it will retain its taste longer. The container must be tightly closed.
  • Olive oil cannot boast of a long shelf life. Usually this is no more than 6 months. But, oddly enough, you don’t need to put it in the refrigerator. As soon as the air temperature reaches +12°C and below, the product becomes thicker and acquires a white tint. Although as soon as it warms up, the appearance and properties of olive oil are restored.
  • The peanut one will last about 12 months if you don't open it. As soon as you start using it, it is better to put it in the refrigerator.
  • It is advisable to package flax seed oil. The ideal option is 200 ml. Dark glass containers are suitable for this type of product, since light can directly affect its taste.It is not advisable to stock up on flaxseed oil for future use: its shelf life is extremely short. It is also better to place it on the refrigerator door.
  • Pumpkin - at a temperature not higher than +10°C.
  • Coconut oil tends to become more liquid as soon as the temperature reaches +25°C. The best option is in the refrigerator on a shelf, where the temperature is kept around +4°C.

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