A faucet that saves water beautifully

Many people sooner or later think about the issue of saving water. The reasons for this can be different: from a disaster to a banal lack of water in the region. However, even in normal times, some people think about how to save water. Naturally, you can simply limit use, but this is not easy to do. Recently, projects of special mixers have begun to appear that limit the flow of the jet, which allows for significant savings. We will talk about one of them now.

A faucet that saves water beautifully

Faucet Feature

This faucet does not have an official name, since it is still at the idea stage, but people who got acquainted with the project dubbed it “a faucet that saves water beautifully.” The name directly hints at the features in the design and appearance of the device. Minimalist design with an unusual control system. There is a touch button on the top of the faucet, thanks to which it turns on, but with less pressure.

A faucet that saves water beautifully

However, this is not the most interesting part. The faucet has a unique design that gives the water a fascinating look. It's all about a double turbine, which divides the stream into many jets, giving them direction. At the output, they form a complex, beautiful grid, which at first glance seems unreal. The mesh creates a cylinder that is hollow inside. The mixer itself limits the flow by 15%, and the design gives the impression of a powerful flow.

A faucet that saves water beautifully

Who is the creator of this faucet?

The author of the idea is a student.He is a design student at the College of Art in London and his name is Ximing Qiu. Probably, like many people, he wondered about saving money, but came to the decision of how to do this, moreover, invisible to the eye, creating the effect of a full-fledged jet. The result was an original, stylish device. The idea has received sufficient funding for implementation; perhaps the innovative device will soon go on sale.

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