Which laundry soap is better for everyday use?

There is no need to argue about the benefits of laundry soap in everyday life. Our grandmothers and mothers used it, managing to remove stains that modern powders cannot do.

Which laundry soap is better for everyday use?

The uniqueness of laundry soap

Eco-friendly natural product does not cause allergies, valued for its high concentration of alkali. She, in fact, does all the dirty work: destroys complex proteins, color pigments, breaks down fats.


Reference! The characteristic smell of laundry soap is a sign of the presence of animal fats, not synthetics.

True, when this natural product is very smelly, doubts arise about the freshness of the fatty components used. But that's not what this is about.

You can see soap on sale in the form of bars, on which the concentration is indicated as a percentage (I promise, we’ll figure it out), and in liquid state, bottled in large cans or small bottles. Which is better is a highly controversial question.

Solid laundry soap

On sale you can find pieces of laundry soap of different colors: white, yellowish, dark brown. Their color depends on the presence or absence of white and dyes in the composition.



The undoubted advantage of the bar is by appearance and smell you can immediately determine the naturalness.

By the way, the main difference between laundry soap and a regular toilet bar is its high alkali content. Thanks to her, our grandmothers' soap perfectly removes complex old stains.

But the non-alkaline concentration is squeezed out in large print on the side surface. The numbers on the piece are the percentage of fatty acids: from 60 to 75%.

Reference! The higher the fatty acid index, the better the cleaning ability of the household product.

Another characteristic advantage of bars is that it is easier to determine the amount of soap. You open old folk recipes for anti-stain products and read: “Take half a bar...” It’s immediately clear how much it is.

Now about the price. Dark and light brown bars cost less than their scented counterparts and liquid soap. For some, switching to solid natural products is a way to save their home budget.

Reference! They wash laundry with solid soap (it’s a paradox, but it doesn’t foam in the machine!), and prepare liquid dishwashing detergent from it.

Gardeners add grated laundry soap to spray solutions so that the liquid sticks to the leaves. And a soap solution with the addition of soda has become an effective remedy for combating powdery mildew - a white coating of a fungal nature.


  • The huge piece is inconvenient to wash your hands, it slips out.
  • For machine washing, soap must be grated. This is not a pleasant task: crumbs scatter, the smell intensifies. I’m amazed how cleverly grandma can do this!
  • Piece absorbs moisture, gets wet if you forget to drain the water from the soap dish. The gelatinous mass causes unpleasant associations. It's unpleasant to even touch her.

The solution in this regard is more practical and pleasant. Let's talk about him.

Liquid laundry soap


This modern era product is made without synthetic additives And smells much nicer than the bars. Let's talk about its advantages and disadvantages.

In terms of cleaning ability, to be honest, liquid soap is no match for solid soap.

Reference! You can still wash your hands or dishes with liquid soap, but you won’t be able to remove stains: the concentration is rather weak. When you rub a piece of damp cloth, the results are better.

Liquid soap cannot be called economical. If you press the dispenser, it will not pour out as much as necessary, but as it turns out. By the time you wash everything away, a lot of water will flow away, and the meter is spinning at the same time.

Important! For washing dishes, the liquid analogue is more convenient: you drip soap not onto your hands, but onto a sponge.

For washing, it is more economical to buy inexpensive powder; liquid soap will cost much more: you have to pour a lot of it into the drum.

Important! The liquid, unlike its solid counterpart, does not bleach the laundry; it becomes unpleasantly gray. Difficult stains cannot be removed at all.

The liquid probably has a bad effect on the seals of the washing machine. They say that soap shavings are better in this regard.

Advice! For cleaning, it is better to use a mixture of liquid soap and ammonia. Without alcohol, matte stains remain.

Although liquid is more convenient to use than a bar, The shelf life of the solid analogue is much longer.

As you can see, it is difficult to give a definite answer to the question of which soap is better for everyday use. Therefore, experienced housewives stock up on both solid and liquid substances. A bar is used for washing and removing stains, and a solution is used for washing dishes.

Have you already decided for yourself which type of soap is better for you: solution or bar?

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