How to make a small kitchen cozy and spacious

What housewife doesn't dream of a spacious kitchen? However, fantasies are mercilessly shattered by reality: apartment buildings often do not allow you to roam around. The area of ​​kitchens does not exceed five to eight “squares”. But even in such sizes it is possible to make the room comfortable! I will tell you about all the intricacies of its arrangement.

Start from scratch

Ideally, the easiest way to make a kitchen comfortable is at the “clean slate” planning stage. Well, or at least during a major overhaul. For example, a window sill can be used as a dining or work area - to do this, it needs to be replaced with a tabletop. And choose furniture so that it fits without empty spaces. Even a couple of extra centimeters can come in handy.

Giving up what you don't need is a sure way to free up space. How often do you use four burners at the same time when cooking? Their number can be reduced by half, gaining additional space on the countertop. The oven is also not always actively used for its intended purpose. Instead, you can install a convenient cabinet or a more practical dishwasher.

Visually enlarging a room is even easier. The color of the walls and fittings cannot create additional storage space. However, it will be possible to visually enlarge the room. To do this, you just need to use more light shades; they perfectly “expand” small rooms.

Systematize what you have

If the renovation has been completed for a long time or the apartment is rented, thoughtful storage will make even the smallest kitchen comfortable and spacious. You just need to follow three simple principles.


It is better to sort all kitchen utensils and store similar items together. For example, cereals are in one cabinet, and textiles are in another. At the very least it's just convenient. To store things by category, it is best to use plastic containers or special organizers. Some kitchen furniture is initially equipped with the latter.

Groceries sorted into different jars

It is better to place many dishes vertically: this makes it easier to get them out and harder to make a mess in the storage area. Dividing trays and organizers will come to the rescue again. Hooks will be no less useful, but they already belong to the next principle.


Question for backfilling - what is railing? The answer is simple - these are pipes or crossbars that are attached to the wall to hang kitchen essentials. For example, a slotted spoon and ladles. Various shelves with spices are hung in a similar way.

Hanging kitchen appliances

Knives also perfectly obey this principle. There are even special magnetic holders created for this purpose. However, this option may not be suitable for owners of ceramic kitchen utensils.


When there is little space in the kitchen, you have to get out. On the inside of the cabinet doors you can screw hooks or holders for any need. The main thing is not to overload hanging furniture. The side walls of kitchen fittings are used in a similar way; additional shelves and holders can easily be attached to them.

Kitchen shelves

You can increase the space in your cabinets using insert shelves. They are often sold in all construction and furniture stores.There you should also look for racks for storing pans and pots - with their help, the space is used most holistically and conveniently.

A small kitchen is not a death sentence. A little imagination, a couple of containers and order will make even a very tiny space comfortable and cozy! Human ingenuity is capable of many things.

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Washing machines

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