Biocompatible contact lenses: purpose and features

Contact vision correction refers to non-surgical methods of treating vision abnormalities. Contact lenses provide clear vision without restricting a person's freedom of movement. However, some people who need vision correction and have chosen contact lenses for this experience some discomfort: there is irritation in the eyes, a burning sensation, etc. In such cases, ophthalmologists recommend their patients to pay attention to biocompatible contact products.

What are biocompatible eye lenses?

contact lensesModern biocompatible lenses are made from special materials, the composition of which is closest to the ocular tissues. These products not only provide maximum comfort, but also safety for daily wear.

Important! A product with biocompatible properties does not cause significant changes in the physiology of the eye.

As you know, when wearing contact optical products, the eye always reacts to them as if they were a foreign body, and even tries with all its might to reject them. In the first minutes of use, lacrimation, redness of the sclera and other discomfort may occur. After a certain time, the body's immune system begins to produce a special protein that covers the lens with a thin layer of protection. The result is that the ocular system stops reacting to the product as a foreign object and perceives it as “native” tissue.However, in some patients the production of a protein film causes some discomfort and reduces the quality of vision.

Information! Wearing biocompatible lenses prevents such problems. In addition to the hydrogel, these products contain a number of special substances that do not interfere with the full compatibility of the eye tissues and the lens.

Clinical studies of biocompatible material always show consistent positive results:

    • all-day comfort;
    • a slight level of dehydration, allowing you to maintain oxygen throughput. In addition, a constant amount of moisture is maintained during the wearing period and does not create a feeling of dryness and discomfort;
    • Unlike conventional ones, biocompatible products ensure the production of a stable tear film. Thanks to this property, they remain perfectly clean for a long time and do not cause irritation.

Ophthalmologists recommend the use of contact optical products that are biologically compatible with ocular standards for patients with dry eye syndrome.

Features and Benefits

Biocompatible contact lensesAdvantages over traditional ones:

    • they are completely hypoallergenic;
    • have increased resistance to the penetration of microorganisms and the formation of negative organic deposits;
    • maximum and stable wearing comfort is ensured from the first day;
    • For patients, a similar product is available with a comfortable wearing period - daily and monthly lenses are available for sale.

Biocompatible contact lenses are ideal for beginners during the adaptation period, which is traditionally easy and quick.

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