Installation and connection of a storage water heater

A water heater is a device often used in private homes for autonomous water supply. It is also used as a backup source of hot water in city apartments when its centralized supply is suspended for some reason.

How to install a storage electric water heater

Water heater installationStorage water heaters, or boilers, can be vertical, horizontal, with upper and lower connections to water supply pipes. Models with top connection are convenient for installation under the sink.

Installation of a storage water heater with pipe supply to the bottom of the housing is done from above. It includes several steps. It begins with determining the installation location, and ending with its connection to communications and putting it into operation.

How to install a water heater with your own hands

Installing a water heater yourselfHow to install a storage electric water heater? To get started, you need to choose where it will be installed.

The installation location depends on many factors and influences the choice of a particular model. To perform quick and high-quality installation, it is necessary to prepare the appropriate tools and consumables.

Selecting a location

Choosing a location for a water heaterHow to install a storage water heater? The installation point is determined depending on how many and which consumers are planned to be provided with hot water.

If you intend to connect the device only to a shower stall or sink, it makes sense to place a small boiler in the vicinity of these points of analysis.

If it is necessary to provide a backup source of hot water for all consumers connected to the riser, you need to look at the installation location close to the hot and cold mains.

Important! When choosing a location, you should pay attention to the supporting structure of the wall on which you plan to mount the device. Hanging heaters on plasterboard or plywood walls above head level is strictly prohibited and dangerous to life.

In the case of floor mounting, it is necessary to provide a small free space around the device to allow for maintenance.

How to properly connect a storage water heater to the electrical network? Two-phase devices can be plugged into regular electrical outlets, provided they are grounded and ready to accept the load from the device.

Once you have decided on the location and are convinced of its suitability for installation, you can install communications.

Installation and securing

Water heater installationHow to connect a storage water heater? For mounting you will need:

  • Level;
  • A hammer drill with a Pobedit drill bit or drill - for mounting on a wooden wall;
  • A set of screws with dowels for fixing the equipment on which the boiler is hung;
  • Powerful screwdriver or screwdriver.

Installation of a storage water heater is carried out in stages. The equipment or fastening is applied to the wall and positioned horizontally using a level. Distortions in the fastening are extremely undesirable, as they can lead to uneven distribution of the load and the tearing of a tank filled with water from the supporting surface downwards.

Next, use a pencil or marker to mark the locations of the holes on the wall.It is necessary to drill to a depth that is a couple of millimeters greater than the length of the dowels. The latter are driven into the wall using a hammer with a rubber tip.

The mount is fixed into the prepared holes with screws of suitable diameter. The drive is suspended from above, and if necessary, it is also fixed in one or several places to the wall, depending on the model.

Connection to communications

Connecting the water heaterTo connect to the supplied water pipes ending in fittings, you need to prepare:

  • A pair of adjustable wrenches;
  • Fumlenta (sometimes tow with sealing paste is used);
  • Gaskets;
  • Flexible eyeliner;
  • Fitting.

The connection diagram for a storage water heater is as follows: for ease of drainage, a tee is installed directly in front of the inlet and pipe of the device. A ball valve is screwed onto its side outlet. It can be connected through a flexible hose to the sewerage system or to the outlet pipe.

Important! A check valve is installed in the free outlet, after which the device is connected to the cold water pipeline through a shut-off valve.

Do-it-yourself storage water heater connection is made through a valve to a hot water pipe. The joints of all structures must be sealed using sealant or gaskets.

After connecting the storage water heater, make sure there are no leaks. Then you can plug the device into a power outlet and perform a test heating. If no leaks appear in the joints under pressure, the boiler is ready for operation.

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