Water does not flow through the heater and boiler: what is the reason, how to fix it



Now, without it, it’s hard to imagine a pleasant shower after a hard day at work, or comfortable washing dishes. It is indispensable where it is simply “impossible to live” without hot water. We are talking about a boiler, or a water heater - a device that is installed in areas without a centralized supply of hot water or where it is often turned off.

Let’s not resort to history and talk about the ancient Greeks, because we have all gathered to solve a very important problem - why hot water does not flow well from the boiler. There is no need to panic right away, because every electrical appliance sooner or later needs maintenance and repair. We will talk about all the reasons for the failure of a water heater and their elimination in this article.

Water does not flow through the water heater or flows weakly - what are the reasons?

If one of the component parts fails, this often results in not only poor flow of hot fluid, but the flow of water may stop altogether. There are plenty of vulnerable spots, especially if the boiler has not been serviced for a long time. Here are the most popular moments:

Water is stuck near the filters

Inlet filters are installed in each water heater to clean the water from debris and rust.The base is stainless steel mesh. Over time, any filter that collects a lot of debris stops functioning. And if the water contains a lot of metal, you will have to clean the valves often.

How to check the filter? There is a special nut on the side of the boiler that allows access to the mesh.

Check valve broken

A faulty pressure reducer also prevents the passage of fluid. Each valve has a moving part on the stem, which moves under the work of the coolant back and forth under spring tension.

The weak spot is the rod entry hole. Salts accumulate on it, depositing on the rod and blocking its full operation. The result is that water does not enter the boiler at all.

Blockage inside the tank

Filters can allow small particles to pass through, causing scale and lime deposits to form inside the device. Budget electric boilers suffer from this problem: all pipes become clogged with scale, and water stops flowing.

If you know that the water is too hard, install a more expensive heater, because this is better than constantly changing cheap options.

The tubes are clogged

The problem may not be in the boiler itself, but in the hoses supplying water. They have a small diameter and, accordingly, there is a greater possibility of debris getting in before the liquid enters the device. This is typical for hot water supply - layers of lime accumulate much faster.



What to do

To increase the pressure of hot liquid or improve the water supply, follow a few tips:

  1. Check the cleaning filter by unscrewing the side nut. Then remove the mesh and clean it with a brush.
  2. The check valve must be removed and blown in the direction of fluid movement. If it does not ventilate, go to the store for a new one.
  3. The pressure reducer also needs to be looked at: unscrew the adjusting screw and observe changes in the flow at the outlet. Nothing has changed - remove the entire gearbox and clean it, or immediately buy a new one.
  4. You can also check the faucets - cleaning the filtration mesh is always a good idea.
  5. The scale in the housing is very easy to clean: unscrew the lid and flange at the bottom of the water heater - access is open.

We hope that these tips will help you get your water heater working properly. If you have encountered other causes and solutions to the problem, share your knowledge in the comments.

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