How to turn off a water heater

How to turn off a water heaterUsually, in the spring-summer period, a wave of pressure testing starts in Russia, which is accompanied by a shutdown of hot water supply. In some homes, the lack of hot water can last up to several months. This situation forces owners to install water heaters.

How to turn off a water heater

A heater is a device that makes cold water hot using liquid, solid or gaseous fuel and supplies it directly to the consumer. The instructions supplied with the unit always contain a detailed description of the connection procedure, and you have to carry out the process of disconnecting the boiler yourself. Next, we will look in more detail at the steps that must be taken to properly turn off the heater.

For a while

There are circumstances when it is necessary to turn off the boiler for a certain period:

  • starting hot water supply;
  • long vacation;
  • technical breakdown;
  • at night to save energy.

In these cases, when there is no need for dismantling, no additional tools are required.

First, you need to set the regulator on the control panel to the “OFF” mode, then turn off the water heater from the network and manipulate three taps:

  • shut off the cold water supply to the boiler;
  • close the outlet of heated liquid from the tank;
  • open the hot water tap on the riser, which supplies it directly to the tap.

REFERENCE! If there is a small amount of liquid left in the boiler, there is no need to drain it if the period of inactivity is short.

With subsequent dismantling

How to turn off a water heater before dismantling

For subsequent dismantling of the water heater, you will need additional tools:

  • wrench;
  • pliers;
  • reservoir for draining liquid from the tank.

Before starting dismantling, you must perform the same steps in sequence as when turning off the boiler for a while. The only difference is that the water from the tank must be drained; to do this, you need to unscrew the valve, remove the hose from the tap that supplies cold water, install a rubber hose instead and drain the contents into a specially prepared container or directly into the sewer.

The next step is to disconnect the thermostat, the electrical part of the device and remove the heater from its mounts.

When does the water heater turn off?

The reasons why you need to turn off the water heater can be different: from saving energy to carrying out the necessary preventive maintenance, and therefore the duration of the shutdown varies from several hours to several months.

How to turn off a water heater when hot water is supplied

The most common reason why boilers are installed is the lack of hot water supply.If at the moment there is no longer a need for the boiler and you need to turn it off before the next emergency, then the action plan will be as follows:

  • turning off the device on the control panel;
  • disconnecting from the socket;
  • complete emptying of the tank from liquid;
  • shutting off the valves that supply cold and hot water to the tank;
  • turning on the hot water tap on the riser.

How to turn off the boiler at night

How to turn off the boiler at night

If you take a shower in the morning or use hot water for other purposes, you will have to wake up in advance to turn on the boiler, since the process of heating the water takes time. On average, it takes about 2 hours for the liquid to heat up and be at the required temperature. If there is no need for hot water in the morning, turning off the tank at night will save energy.

Disabling methods depend on the type of control:

  • mechanical requires switching the regulator to the “Off” mode and disconnecting it from the network;
  • The electronic one turns off after pressing the special “Off” button; you can set timers on it that will put the boiler into sleep mode at night, and turn on and heat the water when you wake up.

How to turn off a water heater for a long time

The most important thing when turning off the heater for a long period is to get rid of the liquid in the tank, since if you leave the liquid inside, oxidation, scale formation, bacterial growth can occur and, as a result, a shortening of the life of the device.

IMPORTANT! If the room is not heated (for example, a summer house), then the presence of water in the tank can lead to freezing of the liquid and rupture of the boiler. You can drain it using a tee, tap or relief valve.A boiler with a volume of 80 liters will drain for no more than 2 hours, after which it can be dismantled.

Before connecting the boiler after a long period of inactivity, treat it with special anti-corrosion agents.

If you are not confident that you will be able to disable the system yourself, then entrust this task to professionals. Be sure to observe safety requirements, especially when draining water and disconnecting the device from the power supply.

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