Industrial air humidifier: purpose and main characteristics


An industrial air humidifier (IAH) is a device for cleaning and/or humidifying air in industrial premises. There are three types of PUV:

  1. Atomizers, also atomizers and steam humidifiers. It works on the principle of standard aerosols - it sprays drops of water. The entire process is automated, and the time interval after which spraying occurs is selected by the user. Most models are equipped with various sensors (moisture, temperature) and regulators to simplify and automate the use of the humidifier.
  2. Ultrasonic. For natural air circulation throughout the room, the device creates a cloud of water. It spreads throughout the room, gradually turning into steam. The air, before leaving in the form of a kind of cloud, passes through special filters that eliminate dirt and dangerous elements. The filters are removable, look like cartridges, and can be replaced if necessary. Humidifiers of this type are extremely powerful - the daily parameter is ±12 liters, so their performance should be regulated, especially in an industrial area, so that they do not over-humidify the product.
  3. Sinks/traditional PUV. They pass air first through filters for cleaning, and then through special cassettes moistened with water. This is the principle of natural evaporation, during which no harmful substances are formed. However, the power and performance of such humidifiers is much lower. Different models consume 20-60 watts.Due to the fact that the bulk of dust settles in the cassettes and water, they need to be changed frequently. The main feature of such devices is that they independently regulate the optimal humidity in the room. After the air has gone through all the stages of air purification, it has absorbed a certain amount of moisture; When air passes through the device again, it will absorb less moisture. This will establish the optimal level of air humidity.

Standard PUVs and sprayers have several varieties, while ultrasonic ones are practically no different. Among the varieties of the first:

  • Heating (an electric heating element simply heats the water so that it turns into steam).
  • Infrared (same as heating, only infrared lamps are used to heat water).
  • Electrode (water is heated by electrodes lowered into it, electricity is supplied through them, resulting in the formation of steam, which is then sprayed throughout the room).
  • Evaporative (water is supplied to a surface, usually made of paper or plastic, which has been blown with air from the room).
  • Splitting (water is split into small particles, they are “squeezed out” together with air by a special pump, the air has previously passed through filters).

Where are industrial humidifiers used:


PVC is used in areas where problems may arise due to dry air. Most often these are printing houses, museums, libraries, server rooms, textile and woodworking enterprises, base stations, medical/pharmaceutical premises, as well as various warehouses.

Humidifiers are used in server/base stations because static electricity accumulates in dry air.On such a scale, instead of a simple electric shock, fires occur. This also causes damage to expensive equipment.

In museums and libraries, PUV is used to maintain the microclimate in rooms with exhibits/books - if the moisture level is too low, paper products/works of art will begin to crack and collapse. In printing houses and woodworking enterprises, humidifiers are used for similar reasons - lack of moisture affects the quality of the products produced.

In medical/pharmaceutical premises, PUV is also still used to maintain the microclimate so as not to spoil the products, since some medical preparations can deteriorate with prolonged exposure to dry air.

Humidifiers are also often used in warehouses. This is necessary for longer storage of products, so that dust/dirt does not accumulate in the air and excessive static electricity does not arise. However, if vegetables, fruits or other organic products are stored in a warehouse, then the PUV is not installed or is installed in conjunction with an air dehumidifier. This is done to better control air humidity so that food does not spoil or develop mold/fungus.

Before installing an air humidifier in an industrial room, analyze it, select a more suitable type of air humidifier, and read its technical characteristics.

Regarding the latter: low-pressure systems, small in size, efficient, quick to start, using only compressed air. They are recommended for warehouses in which the stored materials absorb moisture from the air well.

While high-pressure systems are more suitable for large warehouses, they use a minimal amount of electricity for maximum productivity.

It is recommended to install drum humidifiers in offices and other residential areas due to their low noise level and high efficiency during operation.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers