Turbocharged gas boiler and what it is: operating principle

It is not difficult to understand what a turbocharged gas boiler is if you compare it with an atmospheric installation. In the latter case, the traction is natural, and the turbocharged equipment is equipped with a pump. It provides forced draft, due to which the combustion process is more complete. The features of the device, the pros and cons of such models are described in detail in the presented material.

Description and design of a turbocharged boiler

To understand what is special about this equipment, you need to get acquainted with the classification of boilers into 2 types:

  1. Atmospheric (open type installation) - burns fuel using oxygen that comes from the environment. Moreover, air flows in without coercion, due to natural draft.
  2. Turbocharged (closed type) also burns fuel, but due to the forced flow of air. This is done using a fan. We can say about a turbocharged gas boiler that it is a device that operates on draft and therefore produces more heat.What is a turbocharged gas boiler

The device consists of a closed chamber and a heat exchanger. A burner is installed here, as well as a gas model and a secondary pump. The supply of air and the removal of gases and other combustion products is provided by a circulation pump powered by electricity. You can clearly understand what a turbocharged boiler is using the diagram below.

What is a turbocharged boiler

Main types, pros and cons of the boiler

A turbocharged boiler is used to heat residential premises of various sizes, including houses with several floors. This is explained by the fact that due to the flow of air, the gas burns almost completely and produces more heat.

Depending on the functionality, there are 2 types of turbocharged pump:

  1. With one circuit - used only for heating.
  2. With two circuits - used both for heating and for supplying hot water.

There is also a classification related to the number of pipes:

  1. With a single one (there are 2 pipes of different diameters, they are inserted into each other - you get a coaxial chimney).
  2. With two separate pipes.

Finally, if we consider the division by location, we can note 2 classes of boilers:

  • floor;
  • wall-mounted

Regardless of the features of the device, a turbocharged gas boiler has several advantages:

  • it is safe because air is taken from the environment, and combustion products are forced out;
  • the fuel burns completely - the maximum possible amount of heat is generated (high efficiency);
  • there is no need to make a separate chimney, because it is already provided in the boiler equipment;
  • works almost silently;
  • Dimensions are usually small - it does not take up much space;
  • The chimney system is compact, easy to install, and lightweight.

This equipment has no disadvantages as such. But you should understand that turbocharged boilers are more expensive than atmospheric ones. In addition, they depend on electricity, because the circulation pump operates from the network. If there are frequent power outages in rural areas, it is better to purchase a classic boiler with natural draft.

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