Drying the cellar with a heat gun

When there is dampness in the cellar, many products can spoil, which will lead to quite large material losses. But there are special devices that can help dry the cellar. One of them is a heat gun.

What is a heat gun

A heat gun is an indispensable human assistant in maintaining optimal air temperature in an unheated or poorly heated room. Essentially, it is a small metal cylinder with sensors and a heating element inside. Due to its characteristics and small size, the device is able to quickly and economically heat a room of any size. There are many types and types of such devices, so they have their own classification.

They are usually used in industry or everyday life. The main difference here is the engine power and the size of the unit. It is obvious that household guns are used in homes where the premises are small, while industrial guns are produced for industrial warehouses.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of a heat gun is in the flow of air, which passes through a fan and a special heating element, and exits outside through adjustable dampers.

Since the device operates using a heating element, depending on its type, the guns are divided into:

  • multi-fuel (very multifunctional, work on any type of fuel, they can often be found in car repair shops);
  • gas (powered by propane or butane, considered the most dangerous units for domestic use);
  • diesel (the most expensive type of heat guns, very mobile due to their light weight);
  • infrared (heat the entire room or a specific area, work using infrared radiation);
  • electric (very environmentally friendly, work from the network and significantly save energy).

Operating principle of a heat gunIn garages and residential premises, gas and infrared appliances are most effective, as they are very easy to use, operate quietly, are extremely economical and do not require maintenance. It is better to take a multi-fuel gun to a workshop or industrial warehouse; it will perfectly process all the waste of any technical oils and their mixtures.

Attention! It doesn’t matter whether there is a ventilation hole in the cellar or not, after the room has completely dried, it is necessary to treat the walls with an anti-fungus and mold remover.

How to dry a cellar with a heat gun

Heat gun in the cellarDrying the cellar is an important process before preparing for the winter, because the safety of food depends on it. To dry the cellar well, ventilation shafts and daily airing are not enough. During the spring and autumn periods, a large amount of condensation accumulates in the cellar, and a heat gun will help eliminate it reliably and quickly. You need to carefully approach the choice of unit, since multi-fuel and diesel ones are prohibited from being used in small and enclosed spaces, and gas ones come with a cylinder that will take up a lot of space in the cellar.An infrared device is suitable; it is convenient to use and will quickly warm the area to the desired temperature. However, you need to constantly monitor the process so that the wall does not overheat, otherwise the device will not be effective.

In the absence of ventilation

If a ventilation system was not provided for when designing the cellar, then it is necessary to make pipes in the ceiling or wall with access to the street. Then turn on the heat gun at full power. If there is water in the basement, then first you need to pump it out and take out all the things. Let the cellar stand for a couple of days with the doors open, thereby the temperature in the cellar and outside will equalize, and the drying process of the cellar will become much faster.

If there is ventilation

Before the process of drying the cellar, it is necessary to carry out some measures to prepare it. You should remove all cabinets and shelves, check the walls for mold, and disinfect moldy areas. Corners and cracks need to be treated especially well.

After the walls have dried a little, you can install the cannon. The choice of device depends on the area of ​​the room. At first, it is recommended to open all ventilation holes and turn on the device at full power. The process in this case will last 3-7 days. If you need to dry in the summer, then on the contrary, you should close the ventilation hatches and lower the temperature in the cellar, and then turn on the heat gun again.

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