Temperature of heated floor under tiles

temperature of underfloor heating under tiles A warm floor is a room air heating system in which the heating element is the floor covering.

Such a coating can be the only and main heating system or act as an auxiliary means of heating an apartment or residential building.

The most popular are two types of space heating in this way:

  • water heating;
  • electric heating.

REFERENCE! The coolant in a water system is water, antifreeze or a similar solution. In electrical systems, the air is heated by the operation of electrically connected infrared film, carbon rods or similar electrical equipment.

How is the temperature of a heated floor determined?

A characteristic feature of a warm surface is that heated air rises from below. Thus, at the level of a person’s feet, the rate of air heating is slightly higher than with a conventional heating system.


This approach to heating a room ensures a comfortable stay for people in it. In addition, the optimal level of air humidity is maintained.

Temperature standards in residential premises

To ensure the most comfortable thermal conditions in your home, you should know what air temperature is optimal for human life.And also how to adjust it correctly when using a “warm floor” system.

So, for a comfortable stay in the room, it is enough to warm the air to 22–24 °C. In this case, the coating heating rate should be slightly higher and vary from 26 to 35 °C. These are the parameters established in the Building Codes and Regulations.

A more accurate coating heating indicator, which will indicate the optimal level of heat in your home, depends on the following factors.

  • Are people constantly present in a particular room?

IMPORTANT! A bathroom or toilet requires a floor temperature several degrees higher than in the living room.

  • Depending on the type of coverage.
  • From heat loss of a particular building.

normal temperature

What should be the temperature of the water floor under the tiles?

As for water heated floors, it is obvious that the temperature of the water or other media in the pipes must be significantly higher than the coating itself. This will help ensure sufficient heating of the air in the room.

IMPORTANT! The optimal temperature of water coming from the boiler should vary from 30 to 55 °C. In this case, more accurate indicators are calculated individually depending on the characteristics of the room.

Experts note that in a large number of cases, heating the water in the pipes to 40 °C will be sufficient.

REFERENCE! The temperature of the surface covered with tiles or tiles should be 26 °C. This is exactly the indicator recorded in the European standard.

Ways to regulate the temperature of a water floor

There are various ways to control the heating level of coatings.regulator

  • Manual;
  • Individual, when separate indicators are set for different rooms;
  • Comprehensive, which combines various methods throughout the house.

Modern technologies involve the use of thermostats, the use of which only requires setting the desired temperature in the system, and its adjustment will occur automatically.

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