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Why do you need an ozonizer, its application and operating principle?

Why do you need an ozonizer?

OzonatorBefore we talk about ozonizers, let's figure out what ozone is and how it affects the body. Ozone (from the ancient Greek smell) is a modification of oxygen, under normal conditions it looks like a blue gas with a characteristic odor. It was discovered back in the 18th century by the Dutchman van Marum; the term “ozone” was proposed by the German chemist H. F. Schönbein in 1840 for its smell.

OzoneOzone is a toxic substance due to its strong oxidizing ability, so ozonizers must be used following safety precautions and operating instructions. Ozone has a pronounced disinfectant property - it kills bacteria and mold. Thanks to these properties, ozone is used to disinfect clothing, premises, and disinfect water and air. The device that produces ozone is called an ozonizer.

How the device works. Operating principle of the ozonizer

The operation of the device is based on one of three principles:

  • Passing an electrical discharge through air, preferably pure oxygen, resulting in ozone. The production of ozone in an electric discharge is divided into quiet, barrier, volumetric barrier, surface, arc and corona discharges. There is no point in going into the details of the process; we will only emphasize that ozonizers based on electric discharge are the most common.
  • Ozone synthesis under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, although simpler to perform, is less productive than passing a discharge. The principle of operation is this: air or other oxygen-containing gas, or pure oxygen, is passed through a quartz reactor, which is exposed to UV rays. When using low pressure amalgam lamps, satisfactory performance results are obtained.
  • Through a chemical reaction, oxidizing pinene (found in turpentine) with oxygen from the air. This method, although quite productive, is expensive due to the cost of reagents, and is not widely used in household and industrial devices.

Application of ozonizers: where is the device used?

The devices show themselves to be very effective:

  • When disinfecting food products - meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, cereals - any types of food.
  • To clean indoor air from foreign odors, including tobacco.
  • For taking ozonizing baths, rejuvenating and healing the body.
  • To eliminate diseases of the skin, nails, mucous membranes, and speed up wound healing.
  • For purifying water from tap water, as well as in aquariums.
  • To protect food products from the appearance of mold on them, thereby actually extending their shelf life.
  • Eliminate odor in the refrigerator.

This list is far from complete; the range of applications is very wide.

Ozonizer in the room

Why do you need an air ozonizer?

Used for the following purposes:

  • Elimination of unpleasant odors in the room - effective against odors of medicines, animal odors, missing food, tobacco, alcohol, etc.
  • Air disinfection in the autumn-winter period.
  • Saturation of indoor air with oxygen and destruction of toxins contained in the air.
  • Destruction of mold in walls, as well as linen mites contained in mattresses and pillows.
  • Disinfection of clothing and shoes located in an ozonized room.

Medical ozonator

How does an air ozonizer work depending on the type of device (industrial, household, medical)

Benefits of an ozonizerAn industrial ozonizer is not intended for use in residential premises, since it produces a very high concentration of ozone in the air, which entails damage to health. Medical ozonizers have similar parameters to household appliances, the only difference is that medical devices are designed for a longer period of continuous operation. They also differ in their principle of operation - most household and medical devices operate on the principle of transmitting a discharge, while industrial ones often operate using UV radiation, as well as electrolysis. There is also a difference in price and size - the largest and most expensive are industrial, then medical, and the most compact and cheap are household appliances.

Important! Medical and industrial ozonizers should not be used in everyday life to avoid causing harm to the health of yourself and your loved ones.

Why do you need an ozonizer in your home?

To summarize, the purpose of the device is to improve the health of the environment and disinfect air, walls, clothing, interior items, bed linen, as well as fight infections of the skin and mucous membranes, and heal wounds. The range of applications of the device is wide, and if used correctly in compliance with safety measures and operating instructions, this unit in the house is very useful.

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