DIY heater

heaterDuring the cold season, the need for heat sources for local heating increases. Why this happens is a topic for another conversation, but one way or another, every autumn, the demand for heaters, which are used to heat homes and industrial premises, increases sharply. Many craftsmen prefer to do them with their own hands, especially since there is nothing complicated in this matter.

Is it possible to make a heater with your own hands?

make your own heaterIn fact, a homemade heater is not such a complex design, and making it at home is not that difficult. This does not require a lot of tools or any scarce materials.

How to make a heater with your own hands for your home: options

Below we will look at several ways to make a heater with your own hands.

Homemade thermal film

homemade thermal filmThe design of this homemade product will be based on two plates of ordinary window glass. These are two rectangles measuring 40*60 mm each. That is, the area of ​​each of them lies within 25 square meters. cm.

To carry out the work you will need:

  • two-core copper wire;
  • tester;
  • paraffin candle;
  • block of wood;
  • pliers;
  • sealant;
  • epoxy resin based adhesive;
  • cotton napkin;
  • hygiene sticks.

Sequence of operations as follows:

  1. Cleaning glass plates using a cloth. Dust is removed from the surface, degreased and dried.
  2. Light a candle and use grip-type pliers to smoke the glass. The main thing at this stage is to obtain an even layer of carbon deposits. The side covered with soot will act as a conductive part. This operation must be repeated several times to obtain a uniform layer.
  3. After the glasses have cooled, the edges of each of them are cleaned of carbon deposits. To do this, using a hygiene stick, remove carbon deposits around the entire perimeter.
  4. Foil 5 mm wide is applied to the cleaned layer. The foil acts as terminals. The same operation is carried out with the second plate.
  5. A layer of glue is applied to the part that remains covered with soot, on top of which a previously prepared piece of foil is placed. The strips serve as contacts, which are needed to connect the conductor.
  6. The parts are joined together at the joints and lubricated with sealant.
  7. The assembled structure is placed on a wooden block and connected to a 12 V network.

The design is ready for use.

Heater made from leftover heated floors

heater made from leftover underfloor heatingAmong homeowners both in the city and beyond, warm floors made of film have gained wide popularity. If, after laying a heated floor, there is waste from this film left in your home, then it can be used to make a homemade heater. To heat a room of 4 square meters. m, one sq. m is quite enough. m of film. This heater can be installed either in the house or in the garage.

Preparation of materials. To ensure the work of creating a heater, it is necessary to prepare the following set of materials and tools:

  • foil film, it is used as a substrate for underfloor heating film;
  • copper wire with a cross section of 0.75 sq. mm;
  • thermal regulator;
  • bitumen tape.

Sequence of operations for manufacturing a heater from thermal film as follows:

  1. After you have collected everything you need, you can begin cutting out the sheet of film.
  2. Preparing the wire to connect it to the film. To do this, you need to remove the insulation from one end, bend the cleaned end in half and twist it into a bundle and then crimp it with pliers.
  3. A terminal is placed on the prepared harness.
  4. Connecting the clamp with the wire to the edge of the thermal film.
  5. Insulation of connected ends using bitumen tape.

Either before starting work, or after assembling the “Warm” sheet, a socket must be installed on the free end of the wire.



We make a fan heater from what is at hand

fan heater from what's on handIn fact, you can find a lot of interesting things in the household that can be used to make a small power heater. To do this, you can use mineral water cans, you can make a thermal panel and much more. There are models made on the basis of a wire heating element, for example, nichrome.

How to make a powerful heater with your own hands

By the way, you can make more “serious” heaters with your own hands; they can be used not only to heat a garage, but are also enough to maintain heat in a small workshop.

Making your own oil heater

DIY oil heaterThe oil heater has high efficiency, is quite simple to manufacture and is safe to operate. Its operation is based on the following principle: oil is poured into a sealed housing. Inside the housing there are heating elements that heat the oil moving inside the container.

To make such a design you will need:

  • Heating element - 1 kW based on 1 sq. m.
  • A sealed housing, the design of which completely eliminates liquid leakage, most often it is a welded structure. The composition, which includes plugged pipes.
  • Pure and technical oil. Its volume is 85% of the internal volume of the case.
  • Control and automation equipment, their range is determined by the power parameters of the heater.

The order of work looks like this:

  1. A sketch of the system is drawn up; it should reflect the linear dimensions of the sections and basic thermal calculations. Based on this sketch, you can draw up a list of materials needed to create the structure.
  2. The purchased pipes are cut to size and plugged, and subsequently heating elements will be installed in them. It makes sense to invite a specialist to carry out welding work.
  3. The design must include a neck for filling oil and a tap for draining oil; it is installed at the lowest point of the structure (register)
  4. After the register is welded, it is advisable to test it for leaks; to perform this work, it is necessary to use a pressure testing pump.As leaks are identified, they must be completely repaired.
  5. Install heating elements in pre-prepared places and then you can check the functionality.

Homemade infrared heater

homemade infrared heaterAs an option, you can consider such an option as a “warm panel”. To do this you will need dry glue, graphite powder, a sheet of plastic and an electrical cord. Briefly, the idea is as follows: graphite powder is mixed with glue. The adhesive is the binder and the graphite is the high resistance conductor. Once the mixture is ready, it can be applied to a sheet of plastic and, following the precautions, make all the necessary connections. The operating temperature of this mixture is 65 degrees.

While the mixture is still in a liquid state, it must be poured into a mold made of wooden beams and after drying, connect the wires and test the operation of the device.

Rules for using homemade heaters

It is advisable that homemade heaters be equipped with automation, which will reduce the likelihood of overheating and fire of the device.

Comments and feedback:

Very interesting article!!!


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