Installing a boiler in a bathhouse with your own hands

Installing a boiler in a bathhouse.One of the most important elements of a sauna room is undoubtedly the boiler. But even if you have already chosen the ideal model and managed to purchase it, you are faced with one more task: installing the boiler in the bathhouse. How to do this according to all the rules and not be disappointed in the purchase? Is it possible to install everything yourself without resorting to the help of professionals? You will learn about all this in this article.

What types of boilers are there for baths?

First, let's look at the types of such units. This is important because each model has its own characteristics that should be taken into account during installation.

Boilers are distinguished according to several criteria. For example, according to the fuel used:

  • electrical;
  • pyrolysis;Types of boilers for baths.
  • gas;
  • solid fuel;
  • liquid fuel.

The gas fuel option is the most compact and economical, and also does not emit an unpleasant odor during operation. It also does not need ventilation, but with all its advantages it can efficiently heat a rather large area. This is the best option if gas is supplied to your site.

An electrical appliance is considered the most environmentally friendly. In terms of advantages, it is in no way inferior to gas, but you have to take into account that electricity costs will increase significantly.

Solid fuel models run on wood or peat.It is noted that such boilers remarkably maintain the required temperature for a long time, but they have to be constantly reloaded with fuel. In automatic mode, they only work for a few hours, the exact time depends on the capacity of the fuel tank.

Liquid fuel is easy to store, but boilers powered by it often emit unpleasant odors that can ruin the pleasure of visiting the steam room. Therefore, it is recommended to install such models in a separate room.

Pyrolysis options please the owner because they leave virtually no soot or other unpleasant fuel waste - everything burns completely using two special chambers installed inside the device.

Difference between boiler and furnace

The difference between a boiler and a sauna stove.It is worth understanding that a boiler and a stove are far from the same thing, although both of these devices perform similar functions. A boiler is a unique part of the heating system, which is installed in a bathhouse much less frequently than a widespread stove. But in special cases, when you need an element that complements the power of the furnace, it will be necessary.

The stove is what directly heats the room, and the boiler transfers heat to another medium. It is installed, for example, if the stove is low-power or the bath cannot be connected to the hot water supply system.

IMPORTANT! Very often in unverified sources you can find information that a boiler and a stove are synonyms that successfully replace each other, but this is not the case. Now you know what their significant differences are and you can approach the issue of whether to install a boiler correctly.

DIY boiler installation

Do-it-yourself boiler installation.It is quite possible to handle the installation of the boiler yourself, but keep in mind that in the event of a breakdown, some manufacturers may refuse their warranty obligations, arguing that the installation was performed incorrectly. However, even turning to professionals will not be a guarantee of quality in this case.

In most cases, detailed instructions are provided with the device to facilitate installation of the unit. It contains a special scheme that is better not to ignore.

There are several rules that must be taken into account when working. Violation of these rules can lead to fire or breakdown of important elements of the heating system.

  1. The ceiling above the boiler and the chimney outlet must be covered with a metal sheet.
  2. The boiler in the bathhouse is usually located in such a way that, if necessary, it is also possible to warm up the dressing room or other additional room. In most cases, this effect is achieved by placing the heating equipment in the dressing room, and the boiler itself in the steam room.
  3. Don’t forget about basic safety rules: there should always be a fire extinguisher in the bathhouse, and the floor should be covered with an anti-slip coating.

Installation must occur in strict sequence. First, the foundation is built. This is an important point that it is better to foresee during the construction of the bathhouse, but if this was not done, do not be upset. After this, the boiler itself is installed on the foundation. The next step is to install the chimney.

IMPORTANT! Be sure to seal any gaps securely. Otherwise, an accident may occur the first time you use it.

Lastly, a rain cover is installed.

Thus, installing a boiler in a bathhouse is not so difficult, especially if you have instructions from the manufacturer, who calculated all the parameters taking into account his professional knowledge in this area.

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