Water flows in a gas boiler

In most cases, consumers use boilers to heat private homes. This is reliable equipment, which, if installed correctly, will provide stable operation for a long time. But sometimes there are exceptions, and these devices fail. And a common malfunction is the occurrence of a leak from the boiler.

That is why we decided to talk about the reasons for the breakdown, as well as methods for its prevention and elimination methods.

Why is water flowing from the heating boiler?

water flows from the heating boilerA gas boiler leaks for a number of reasons, and before carrying out repairs it is necessary to determine them.
  1. Corrosion. Water flows in a gas boiler because it is made of steel or cast iron, and, as you know, these materials are not protected from corrosion. And taking into account the fact that the boiler operates with constant water circulation, the likelihood of damage to weak points by corrosion is close to the maximum level.
  2. Poor quality. This factor can be attributed to welding seams. If they are performed poorly, the heating boiler will most likely begin to leak over time.
  3. Burnout of the walls. An equally common cause of failure. As you know, both steel and cast iron tend to burn out when exposed to open fire. If used correctly, this is unlikely to happen.
Factors such as:
  • Operation at maximum temperature for a long time;
  • Using devices with low power to heat large rooms;
  • Incorrect burner power setting;
  • Bad burner.
It is also worth noting that any boiler is designed for certain pressure indicators. And if it is exceeded, the device overheats along with expansion. And as a result, a leak appears.
Important! Always monitor the pressure in the system, as excessively exceeding it poses a danger to people in the room. There may be an explosion!

Methods for eliminating leaks

Fixing leaks in a gas heating boilerWhat to do if the heating boiler leaks? To eliminate leaks, you can use the soldering method. At the first stage, you will need to drain the water and wait until the device cools down.
Then you need to make markings, disconnect the equipment from the network and solder using a gas torch. At the last stage, you will need to return everything to its original location and start the equipment again.
And to avoid the need for boiler repairs, carefully inspect them before purchasing. Pay special attention to the quality of knocks and connections.

Preventive maintenance to prevent leaks in the boiler

Preventive maintenance to prevent leaks in a gas boilerLeaks can be avoided and special attention to prevention is recommended.
  1. In order to prevent the boiler from leaking due to corrosion, it is recommended to regularly treat it with anti-corrosion agents, which can be easily purchased both on the market and in specialized stores.
  2. To eliminate the need to repair the boiler as a result of burnout, it is necessary to purchase only equipment from trusted manufacturers.In addition, it is imperative to monitor the operation of the device, avoid overloading and turning on the maximum possible temperatures for a long time.
  3. To prevent leakage due to high pressure, it is recommended to constantly monitor the condition of the valve and pressure gauge. If minor problems arise, you will need to fix them immediately and not rely on chance. In addition, it is necessary to check the performance of the diaphragm valve at least 1-2 times a year. And if you ignore these recommendations, it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid expensive equipment repairs, and you will have to contact professional service technicians!

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