How to properly heat a solid fuel boiler

As the heating season approaches, the owners of private houses have one important task - storing fuel for the winter. Usually it is purchased in large quantities, and, accordingly, by choosing the most suitable fuel for the unit, you can significantly save on its purchase.

How to heat a solid fuel boiler

How to heat a solid fuel boilerA few decades ago, stoves were actively used for heating, but today they have been replaced by boilers. Units running on solid fuel are in greatest demand among owners of private houses, as this is the most economical option.

The most common types of fuel used in everyday life are:

  • Firewood;
  • Coal;
  • Briquettes made of peat or sawdust;
  • Pellets.

These fuel materials are very attractive to consumers due to their easy availability and relatively low price. In addition, they have a long shelf life and do not cause any particular difficulties in transportation. Another great advantage of these types of fuel is that they do not harm the environment.

Important! Dfor lighting solid fuel boilers use is strictly prohibited kerosene, gasoline and other flammable liquidsAnd.

How to properly heat a solid fuel boiler? The performance of a solid fuel boiler and its efficiency depend on the type of fuel and its quality.

What is the most appropriate way to heat a boiler?

How to heat the boilerFirewood is still the most common type of fuel, as it is more accessible and cheaper than other types of heating materials. The calorie content of the wood species is of great importance when choosing, since it is this indicator that characterizes the combustion time and, accordingly, the amount of heat transfer.

The highest Birch firewood has a calorific value. In addition, they have the best price-quality ratio. When burned, birch firewood emits a pleasant aroma. True, they cannot be stored for a long time; over the years they lose their positive characteristics.

It is also very important to load dry firewood into solid fuel boilers. Since damp wood reduces the efficiency of the heating system, and is likely to cause increased formation of tar inside the boiler and chimney. The moisture content of firewood should be less than 20%.

Wood burning technology

burning a boiler with woodWhen using the boiler for the first time in a new heating season, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. Clean the chimney of soot and ash, check the serviceability of all elements of the heating system (doors, valves, etc.) and, if necessary, replace or repair them.

The next step before lighting a solid fuel boiler is to warm up the pipes. To do this, dry shavings or wood chips are burned.

For kindling, wood chips up to 7 cm thick are placed on the bottom, and several pieces of thicker firewood are placed on top of them. For more convenient arson, you can use special long matches and a little paper, which is placed between the wood chips. When the active combustion process begins, large logs can be placed in the firebox.

It should be remembered that when choosing fuel for the boiler, we also choose how often the boiler will have to be loaded and cleaned. The price of a specific type of fuel for the same volume is also important.

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