How to use a gas boiler

A gas boiler.For heating equipment installed in private homes, almost all known types of fuel are used - wood, peat, coal, electricity, natural gas. In our country, with its resources, gas equipment has become one of the most popular. It is distinguished by a fairly low price and relative availability. The designs of boilers that are used to heat houses are easy to operate and safe to operate, but, of course, subject to a number of rules.

Operating principle of the boiler

Operating principle of a gas boiler.Heaters operating on gas fuel may differ from each other in design and technical characteristics, they all use the same principle - heating the working environment of the heating system using burning fuel, in our case natural gas.

Gas is used not only for space heating, but also for heating water. For this purpose, either water columns or double-circuit boilers are used. The equipment used these days is equipped with highly effective safety systems - they keep the gas combustion process under control. But, nevertheless, there are mandatory rules for the use of gas equipment and compliance with them can become a guarantee of safety.

Before putting the equipment into operation, the user must ensure:

  1. There is the required amount of working fluid in the heating system.
  2. The fact that the burner and safety valve are in working condition.
  3. Measuring instruments show correct data.
  4. The operating temperature of the boiler device should not fall below 65 degrees. This may lead to condensation.

Boiler placement rules

Rules for placing a gas boiler.The area of ​​the room in which the gas heater will be installed must be at least 7.5 square meters. m. The minimum distance between the floor and the ceiling should not be less than 2.2 m. A window must be installed in the room through which outside air enters.

The door to the room should open towards the street. It is unacceptable to use switches in the boiler room; they must be installed outside it.

The room in which gas boiler equipment will be operated must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation. Its productivity should be 15 cubic meters. m of air per cubic meter. m of gas consumed.

When installing a boiler device, it is necessary to maintain a certain distance between it and other objects. So, to objects made of flammable materials it should be 250 mm or more. The distance to elements that are made of fireproof materials should be 50mm.

These distances from the chimney pipes should be 400 and 150 mm, respectively.Before installing a gas boiler, it is necessary to put the room in order, in particular, the floor must be level without any slopes.

From the chimney to the combustible parts - 40 cm, to the non-combustible parts - 15 cm. The device is mounted on a perfectly flat plane, without slopes.

Rules for using a gas boiler

Let's look at how to properly use a gas boiler.

Ignition instructions

One of the design components of gas boilers that distinguishes them from each other is the ignition system. Therefore, when starting boilers of different types, there may be certain subtleties. Before putting the device into operation, you must study the operating instructions. The ignition sequence looks like this:

1. Visual inspection of the system for leaks. To do this, set the thermostat to maximum. In this case, automatic switching occurs.

2. When performing this operation, the boiler must be connected to the electrical network. After it starts working, a slight noise will be heard and after filling the coolant system, the automatic ignition of the system will work and the boiler will return to the set operating modes.

How to turn off the boiler correctly

How to properly turn off a gas boiler If the boiler is not planned to be used for a certain period of time, then it makes sense to turn it off. First of all, close the gas supply valve. Installed control automation and pumps must be de-energized. Of course, we must not forget about shutting off the supply of coolant and water if it is used to heat it. If it is expected that the temperature may drop below zero during downtime, then the water will have to be drained.

REFERENCE! To turn off the boiler, you can invite specialists from a service organization.


The operation of gas equipment will be significantly simplified if it has a self-diagnosis system. Most manufacturers have been installing similar systems on their products for quite some time. Error messages are displayed on the built-in monitor. For some manufacturers, error A7 indicates a malfunction of the temperature sensor. Self-diagnosis of gas equipment simplifies its operation. The decoding of the codes that are displayed on the monitor is usually given in the instruction manual.

Frost protection

Freeze protection for gas boiler.One of the key rules for the safe operation of gas equipment is to guarantee the presence of a minimum temperature of the working environment, which will not allow it to freeze. If the water poured into the heating system freezes, this will lead to irreparable consequences, in particular, rupture of the radiator.

Most models in use today require constant monitoring of the condition of the coolant. They provide protection against freezing; one of the components is a circulation pump, which is turned on to ensure forced movement of water (coolant) through the system. As a rule, it turns on automatically when the water reaches a temperature of 10 degrees. If, for certain reasons, the temperature drops even lower, then in addition to the pump, an auxiliary heater is turned on, heating the water to a predetermined level, for example, 18 degrees.

REFERENCE! To avoid freezing of pipes, a mixture of water and glycol is poured into the heating system; of course, the possibility of using such a solution may be indicated in the operating manual.

What to do if problems occur

Even during proper operation of boiler equipment, certain problems may occur. The following interruptions may occur in some boilers:

  • boiler overheating;
  • temperature sensor failed;
  • The boiler is too noisy during operation.

As a rule, some breakdowns can be caused by violations of operating conditions, manufacturing defects, a drop in pressure in the gas pipeline, a voltage drop in the supply network, or errors made during the installation of a gas boiler.

Some owners of gas devices try to solve the problems themselves, but it is more advisable to call specialists from a service organization.

IMPORTANT! If you smell gas, you must stop the boiler and call a specialist.

General safety rules

Manufacturers of gas heating equipment pay a lot of attention to its safety; despite this, equipment of this class can be a source of danger. The Fire Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations does not tire of constantly talking about precautionary measures, in particular, it is unacceptable to purchase gas boiler equipment from companies that do not have the appropriate license. The delivery package must include a manual or operating instructions.

Installation of equipment and its commissioning can only be carried out by employees of relevant organizations. Such equipment must undergo a technical condition check. As a rule, this is done once a year.

In the boiler room it is unacceptable to store items that are not related to the operation or maintenance of the installed equipment. And yet, the upper limit of heating the coolant should not exceed 90 degrees.

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