What is a double-circuit boiler and how does it work?

To create a cozy environment and a comfortable stay in your own home, heating plays an important role. No matter how expensive and how designerly renovated the apartment is, living in it will turn into torture if in the off-season the temperature in the room is equal to the outside temperature. It’s so nice to return in a chilly autumn or bitter winter to your own apartment or house, if it’s dry and warm.

During construction or major repairs, great attention should be paid to the selection and purchase of a heating system. And if the pros and cons of choosing a fuel are usually obvious, then you need to think about the functionality of the purchased device.

The difference between a double-circuit boiler and a single-circuit boiler

The difference between a double-circuit boiler and a single-circuit boilerHow does a double-circuit boiler work? Already from the name of the types of heating boilers, their distinctive features are intuitively clear. A single-circuit boiler is connected to a closed system of batteries or radiators and uses energy only to heat the room.

Water heated by such a boiler circulates in a circle and is not used for any other domestic needs.

What is a double-circuit boiler? In the absence of a centralized supply of hot water, you will have to think separately about organizing its heating for the kitchen and bathroom.Double-circuit devices operate on a different principle and are divided into two types.

  • Heating of running water.

In standard mode it works to heat the room. If you need to take a bath, you need to switch the toggle switch on the boiler body. Thus, the main part of the energy will be directed to heating the water, which will subsequently flow from the tap. It should be taken into account that heating is carried out “in real time” and this solution is suitable for small areas. The optimal size of living space would be up to 100 square meters.

  • Boilers of the second type have a storage boiler in which water is directly heated and stored. Thanks to the constant maintenance of high liquid temperatures and a fairly large volume, the amount of water is enough for a comfortable quality of life for a large family. If necessary, the boiler can also operate in flow-through heating mode. However, the water temperature will be slightly lower than that of the liquid from the storage.

Important! You can choose the volume of liquid to be stored yourself. Depending on the boiler model, this can be from 100 to 250 liters.

The principle of operation of a double-circuit boiler

The principle of operation of a double-circuit boilerThe operating principle and design of a double-circuit boiler is such that it can operate in two modes: heating mode and water heating mode.

In the first case, energy is transferred from the burner to the liquid in the heating system. Thanks to the valve, water circulates through a closed system using a pump, returning cooled through the return pipe line.

When the valve closes, the heated liquid enters the water supply. That is, when the tap is open, the heating system of the house does not work. And as soon as it closes, the heat immediately rushes into the batteries.Thus, the two systems cannot operate simultaneously.

The boiler can contain either one or two water intake points. That is, to provide a kitchen, a bathroom or both rooms.

Pros and cons of the dual-circuit model

Advantages of a double-circuit boilerThe advantages of the dual-circuit model include:

  • Small dimensions. This type of boiler takes up quite a bit of space. Since there is no need to purchase additional components, you can plan it right away;
  • No need for a separate room. The entire pipe distribution can fit compactly in one secluded place;
  • Easy to use;
  • Economical consumption of fuel for heating.

The disadvantages of this model are the following:

  • When working with two water sources, the pressure and temperature may be lower than desired;
  • Maintenance. With an increased content of metal salts in local water sources, water heating elements quickly become covered with a layer of scale. To prevent equipment breakdowns, cleaning should be carried out regularly;
  • Price. Based on the configuration of the model, the cost is higher.

Complete set of double-circuit boiler

Complete set of double-circuit boilerSuch a device already in the factory configuration is an independent system. To install it, you do not need to purchase additional tanks, pumps and valves. It is enough just to purchase the required length of pipes for supplying and draining water and fasteners. Install such a boiler in your home and enjoy the warmth.

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Thanks to your site, I learned a lot about boilers. Thank you!
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