Technoguide: converting a screwdriver to mains power with your own hands

Converting a cordless screwdriver to mains power is not a difficult task, but it will require certain skills and tools. All owners of cordless screwdrivers know that this tool is indispensable in its business and is very convenient because it allows you to get to your workplace without unnecessary wires and effort.

Its only drawback is the battery. The screwdriver will work as long as the battery is charged - this is a well-known fact. But the most important thing is that any battery has a limited charge cycle. Therefore, sooner or later, the day will come when the battery simply “dies” and will no longer accept a charge. This means that the cordless screwdriver will turn into an ownerless and useless piece of hardware. However, even from this situation there are at least 3 ways out:

  1. buy a new screwdriver;
  2. buy a new battery for the screwdriver;
  3. convert the screwdriver to work from a 220 V network.

The first two options for solving the problem are clear - you just need money. Moreover, it often happens that a new battery is not much different in price from a new screwdriver. However, if you have the desire and skills, then you can make the screwdriver work from the network and thereby extend its performance at a small financial cost.

There are many advantages of a corded screwdriver. We will not list them now. But you need to understand that it will have one drawback - it is “attached” to an electrical outlet.

Converting a screwdriver to mains power

It should be immediately noted that converting a screwdriver to mains power can be done in several ways. For example, you can use:

  • laptop charging;
  • computer power supply;
  • car battery;
  • ready-made board for a 24 V power supply.

The bottom line is that you will need a power source and conversion of electrical energy from 220 V to 24 V. Typically, cordless screwdrivers have a voltage of 24 V and a little less often 12 V. If your screwdriver is 12 V, then the power source must produce the same voltage .

It is important before deciding to “make a screwdriver from the mains” to decide on its power source, because the execution of the modification and its aesthetic appearance will depend on this. For example, if you transform 220 V into 24 V using a computer power supply, then the power supply itself will be “external”, therefore, in addition to the wire, you will have to constantly carry the power supply behind the screwdriver. If you purchase a microcircuit for the power supply that will convert 220 V to 24 V, then it can be placed in a standard screwdriver battery, and only a wire will stick out from the screwdriver itself, which you will need to plug into an outlet.

There is one more important nuance: the adapter used must provide not only the required voltage, but also power. There are different types of cordless screwdrivers.For example, if your screwdriver in operating condition consumes power of 300-400 W, you connect an adapter with a maximum power of 150 W to it, then, most likely, everything will not work as you would like. At a minimum, the screwdriver will simply not tighten the screws all the way or stop working altogether.

If you have decided on the choice of adapter and everything is in order with its voltage and power, then you can start converting your cordless screwdriver from the mains.

How to make a screwdriver from the mains: external power supply

Below we will present a simple algorithm of actions that make up converting a screwdriver to mains power. Depending on the adapter you choose and your screwdriver, you can adjust the points of the action algorithm to suit your own conditions.

Disassembling the old battery

Whatever method you choose to adapt a screwdriver to a 220 V network, you will in any case need to disassemble the old non-working screwdriver battery.

There are a few important points to remember here:

  • The battery terminals are valuable to you - they should never be damaged, since it is to them that you will solder the wire;
  • The body is important to you - try not to damage it either.

At this stage, the “dead” battery cells are usually removed and the wires are soldered to the terminals. For example, if you have an external power supply, such as a computer power supply or a laptop charger, then you will need:

  1. free the battery from dead elements;
  2. insert a wire from a block or charger into the old battery;
  3. connect the wire to the battery terminals: it is important to observe the colors of the wires and the “plus and minus” terminals;
  4. Instead of battery cells, you need to come up with a “weighting agent” - usually a piece of solid wood.

The weighting agent is needed so that the screwdriver has balance and your hand does not get tired during operation.

Some details in the photo:

Old non-working screwdriver battery - 1

Old non-working screwdriver battery - 2

Old non-working screwdriver battery - 3

Old non-working screwdriver battery - 4

How to choose an external power supply for a screwdriver

External power supplies are good because they require a minimum of actions from you:

  • select the appropriate block;
  • connect it to the battery correctly.

Typically, ready-made units from a computer or charging from a laptop are used for these purposes. You can use any other suitable adapter.

The computer unit is good because it produces good power of 400-500 W, which means that you will not have problems with the operation of the screwdriver. But its disadvantage is its bulkiness, which must be taken into account. The laptop charger in this regard looks better and more compact, but it is weaker in power.

You can find an option online where a charger for screwdriver batteries is used as an adapter. As an emergency measure, you can use it, but as a complete conversion of the screwdriver to power from the mains, you should forget about this method. The screwdriver battery charger is intended for charging batteries only and is not designed for long-term use at high power. For example, if you attach a long wire to the charging terminals, the end of which is attached to a screwdriver, then you will not be able to operate the device, since the power of the charger is hardly enough to “warm up” the wire itself. For this method, it is recommended to use a wire no longer than 1 meter. And with such a length of wire you can’t do much work with a screwdriver.

How to make a screwdriver from the mains: built-in power supply

If the battery of your screwdriver has a fairly large case, then it makes sense to take a closer look at ready-made power supplies and boards that can fit inside the case. This method is more interesting than an external power supply. Moreover, there should be no problems with miniature blocks - online stores will help you.

Particularly “advanced” people who like to experiment can easily collect similarThe batteries run out, damaging the working tool. To avoid this, you can convert the screwdriver to mains charging. But be careful - mistakes can cause firese power supplies yourself. Fortunately, there are plenty of instructions and diagrams for such blocks on the Internet.

In general, if you have made up your mind and found a power supply that you can fit in the screwdriver battery case, then the algorithm for you will be like this:

  • disassemble the old screwdriver battery;
  • Insert and connect the power supply to the battery terminals and to the external wire.

By the way, you can use mounting foam or mounting adhesive to secure the power supply in the battery case. This method does not require a “weight” inside the battery case, since its role will be performed by the built-in power supply itself.

Some details in the photo:

Converting a screwdriver to mains power - 1

Converting a screwdriver to mains power - 2

Converting a screwdriver to mains power - 3


Converting a screwdriver to mains power depends entirely on your screwdriver, your skills and the availability of the necessary elements. For example, there are screwdrivers that, due to the shape of the battery, can only be converted to an external power supply. Or maybe you have an old but working computer power supply lying around. Or you like to tinker, so you can easily assemble the power supply yourself.

It is important to note that you don’t have to remake a 220 V screwdriver, even if its battery is broken. For example you can:

  1. revive a “dead” battery by replacing its non-functioning elements;
  2. use external batteries as energy sources.

We will definitely talk about these methods in the following articles.

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