Why does an airbrush spit paint? Tool inspection and repair

If the airbrush spits paint, this is often due to a clogged nozzle or poor-quality composition. Also, the equipment may simply wear out. These and other reasons, as well as ways to eliminate them, are discussed in detail below.

Main causes and methods of eliminating them

To understand why an airbrush spits paint, you need to familiarize yourself with the design of the device. It consists of a container into which paint is poured, a trigger lever, a nozzle, and a needle guide. The tool is also equipped with an air valve and a paint supply regulator.


Each of these elements can fail or become clogged. But before you plan to repair your airbrush, you should determine the exact cause. The most common situations are:

  1. All elements work fine, but the paint is too thick. Then you need to add literally 3 drops of solvent to the tank and check how the device works.
  2. The nozzle is clogged, causing the airbrush to spit. In this case, you need to remove it along with the needle and clean both parts. To do this, they are dipped in paint solvent for 5-7 minutes and then washed.
  3. The presence of lumps and other foreign inclusions in the paint. The composition is clearly of poor quality, possibly expired. In this case, it is clear why the airbrush spits. It is necessary to strain the composition using a sieve with small cells or nylon (fold in half). But if the paint is too old, there are doubts about its quality, it’s easier to buy new one.
  4. Weak or, conversely, too much pressure is one of the simplest reasons why a can of paint does not spray. It is enough to adjust the parameter by setting it at 2 atmospheres (atm).
  5. The composition is too liquid, watery - you need to add a little more paint to the tank. And first in small quantities, so as not to make it too thick.
  6. The needle, seal or nozzle may be not only clogged, but also worn out. Over time, work surfaces wear out, which is normal. So, the nozzle may partially collapse, cracks will appear in it, through which air will pass. There is only one way to solve the problem - installing a new part.

Airbrush repair

Basic methods of prevention

Now it’s clear what to do if the aerosol does not spray. In almost all cases, you can determine the cause and carry out repairs yourself. But in any case, it is easier to prevent a problem than to deal with the consequences. If you organize regular maintenance of the device, it will work properly for a long time.

To do this, it is recommended to follow basic preventive measures:

  1. Before each paint change, the tank must be cleaned. Even if the composition is identical (in color), cleaning is still necessary. Otherwise, the surface of the container will become increasingly dirty.
  2. After finishing drawing, the entire device is disassembled and washed - this is a standard rule for all airbrush models.
  3. If the paint composition is acrylic, alcohol or a special product intended for such cases is used for cleaning.
  4. Cleaning must be carried out not only chemically, but also mechanically. To do this, it is worth purchasing small brushes (sometimes they come with the airbrush).

It’s clear what to do if the airbrush spits.This is usually caused by improper maintenance, although there may also be objective reasons, for example, wear and tear of equipment. In any case, the device must be constantly cleaned - then it will work without complaints for more than one year.

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