Types of chainsaws

A chainsaw is a universal type of tool that is used both for solving everyday problems in construction and gardening, and at a professional level. In this regard, there are several types of gasoline devices designed to perform certain functions.

What types of chainsaws are there?

The tool is designed to work with wood, as well as plastic, foam concrete and other materials that the chain can handle. Before buying, experts advise explore the issue of chainsaw variety, because not only the cost of the device, but also the functional component of the design depends on this.

The main classification of chainsaws is based on their intended purpose. They are divided into household, semi-professional and professional.


These include models intended for rare use. They are often used in horticulture, when tidying up fruit and ornamental trees. For example, it is necessary to cut down a branch or remove diseased shoots. In this case, a household chainsaw is an indispensable device that can quickly and painlessly cope with the task for planting.

household chainsaw

Experts note that such devices can operate no more than 20 hours per month in total.

A budget device usually does not exceed a power of 2 kW, has a minimal set of functions and is equipped with a lightweight, low-profile circuit. This helps reduce vibration. The average cost varies from four to ten thousand rubles.The tool is light and maneuverable and can provide invaluable assistance in cutting firewood for a bathhouse, simple repairs or improving the appearance of trees on the site.


More powerful, high performance tools. Their power is usually in the range of 2–3 kW. The second name is farming. They are equally often used for repair and construction work, and are also used for felling trees.

They are able to withstand decent loads, which allows them to be used in sawmills as loppers.

Despite the productivity, the duration of use of such a saw per day should not exceed four hours. The average cost of a device close to a professional one reaches 8–17 thousand rubles.

semi-professional chainsaw


Mainly used by professional organizations in sawmills. Their cost reaches 60 thousand rubles. This is a powerful, multifunctional device with high performance.

Power is about 6–7 kW.

There is no point in purchasing such a powerful tool for a private home or farm; it will never pay for itself. It is designed for eight hours of uninterrupted operation per day. If you take short breaks, the service life doubles.

professional chainsaw

A separate article should mention the so-called loppers. These are miniature chainsaws, the cost of which varies between 5-11 thousand rubles. They reach a power of 1 kW and are equipped with a tire with a width of 25 cm. They are used in small garden plots for their intended purpose, for removing branches and twigs.

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