Chainsaw storage

Using a chainsaw mainly occurs in the warm season, as well as before and after the onset of the gardening season. It is placed in storage for the winter. And here, proper preparation for conservation is considered an important point. The service life and quality of the tool depend on this.

How to store a chainsaw?

Experts advise using a clean, well-ventilated, dust-free room for storage. In addition, before a long period of stagnation, all tanks of the gasoline device and the housing must be cleaned and emptied.

There are a few basic things to do before storing your saw.

Emptying fuel and lubricant tanks

To prevent the membranes in the carburetor from sticking together during the absence of any activity, it is necessary to clear the containers of fuel and oil mixture, and also run the saw to remove any residue in the system. This must be done carefully so that no excess liquids remain in the structure.

If necessary, clean parts by hand.

Disassembling the saw

Separate the working part – the tire – from the main body. In turn, remove the chain from it and thoroughly lubricate everything with protective lubricant. This way the parts will retain their original appearance and performance.

Dry storage

It is highly undesirable to keep the saw in the open air in winter. Prepare a clean room with ventilation and no dampness.A warehouse or outbuilding where there will be a place to display a chainsaw for a long time.

Be sure to provide a separate place, independent from other devices. The gasoline device must “breathe” freely and not come into contact with other devices. This is the only way it will maintain the quality of work and will not get in the way if you need to get any tool out of the garage.

chainsaw storage

Sun protection

Place the chainsaw on the shelf and cover it with a clean cloth. Don't allow it. Ensure that the device is exposed to direct sunlight.

Dust-free storage

Even in a clean room, sooner or later dust settles. To prevent the chainsaw system from becoming clogged, we suggest purchasing a special case or suitcase for gasoline-powered tools. This way he will be reliably protected.

If you don’t want to spend money on buying a casing, find a thick fabric that can completely envelop the device, leaving no gaps for dirt to get in.

Be sure to provide a safe place that is protected from outside interference, especially away from children. It is better if it is a locked utility closet or a separate building where no one except the owner of the device will have access.

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