Shovel storage

Every gardener knows how important it is to maintain the quality of the tools used to carry out work on the site. After all, a well-chosen and work-facilitating arsenal of instruments helps in work and cultivation of various crops.


How to store shovels?

This is one of the main tools used for various manipulations in the garden. A person involved in homesteading knows how difficult it is to choose the right device to make it comfortable to work.

Most shovels feel heavy and bulky and the wrong size.

We advise you to get a separate room in which to store all your gardening tools. In this case, certain conditions must be observed inside the utility unit so as not to harm the materials from which the tool is made.


Storage conditions

Regardless of the purpose of the room, whether it is a car garage or a specially built barn, certain conditions for keeping the devices inside must be observed:

  • the temperature should not be high, otherwise the wooden handle will quickly dry out, crack and become unusable;
  • low humidity, since an abundance of moisture leads to metal corrosion and mold on wooden elements;
  • good air exchange, otherwise the formation of fungus and mold lesions is fraught;
  • artificial lighting - in the absence of lamps it is difficult to find the necessary tools;
  • non-flammability of materials, if electrical and gasoline appliances are stored in the room, it is important to take care of this point.

In addition, think about a reliable lock if you leave the dacha for a long time or even leave it unattended during the winter. This will ensure the safety of property and prevent unauthorized persons from entering.


Options for storing shovels on site

An important stage in organizing space at the dacha is to prepare a place to keep the tool. Everyone knows about this, because carelessly discarded shovels, forks and rakes will lead to their rapid deterioration and lack of quality.

We offer several convenient options for organizing the storage of garden tools:

  1. Special cabinet. It is usually done near a house, outbuilding, or near garden beds, where the help of a shovel or other tool is often needed. A narrow cabinet is made from boards, like a wall cabinet. For convenience, you can make shelves and holders, as well as hang an organizer for gloves and various small items.
  2. Hanger. If you have a shed, create a special area on one of the walls. Secure with regular hooks or upside-down old rakes. They are easy to hang shovels on after gardening tasks are completed.
  3. Placement on the wall. Some gardeners prefer to create an original arrangement of garden tools right on the outside of the garage. Fasten the hooks in different planes and at angles, and then insert a shovel, rake, hammer and other tools into them.
  4. Fire shield. Everyone has seen such counters installed at gas stations, near shops and other public premises. You can create something similar on your own site. Make a high pedestal from the boards and cut out holding holes.The tool is inserted into them horizontally relative to the ground.
  5. Old bucket or pallets. Here they use different containers, placing a grid with large holes in the upper part. Shovel cuttings are inserted into them. It's convenient and doesn't take up much space in the shed.

There are dozens of options online for how to arrange a shovel storage area conveniently. In our opinion, the main thing is that the tool is well processed and has its own place so that the gardener can easily find it.

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