What tools are used for painting work: a complete set with descriptions

It’s easy enough to understand what tools are used for painting work. First of all, these are brushes, rollers and brushes. But paint can be applied not only by hand. If you do this using mechanized installations, you will need a spray gun or spray gun. A description of the main tools and their types can be found in this article.

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The main tool for painting work is a brush. It is designed to perform different jobs, so there are several types:

  1. Round brushes are convenient for working on the surface of a wall or ceiling. They are suitable for both painting and priming.
  2. Narrow ones are used for processing hard-to-reach places, which are located, for example, behind pipes.
  3. Radiator brush is a specialized brush for painting batteries.Radiator – specialized brush
  4. The narrow one is used for painting pipes, since wide bristles will be inconvenient for these purposes.
  5. If it is necessary to apply the primer composition, use a brush called a paint brush. It allows you to cover a large area with one stroke.Maklovitsa
  6. Finally, there is a flute brush, which has flexible bristles and a shortened handle for even distribution of the composition.

When choosing, be sure to take into account not only the purpose of the brush, but also the material of its bristles:

  • a composition of natural origin, for example, from horsehair, ensures the most effective application of paint or primer;
  • synthetic bristles distribute the composition over the surface worse, but are more durable;
  • combined – brushes with such bristles combine the advantages of the two previous types.


There are other tools and equipment for painting work, such as rollers. They are more productive than brushes, so they are used for treating large surfaces. When choosing such a device, special attention should be paid to the composition of the material:

  1. Fur ones require pre-soaking, but at the same time they apply paint well. However, they cannot be used to work with lime-based compounds - whitewash.Fur roller
  2. Foam rubber ones are affordable, get wet well, but require constant spinning. To do this, you need to purchase a squeezing grid on which the roller is rolled after each immersion in paint.Foam roller


Brushes are also used for painting and priming walls. Unlike brushes, they have wide bristles for quickly covering large areas.

The bristles are securely attached to the curved metal pipe using a bracket or glue. The tool is equipped with a small handle with or without a rubberized coating.


Brushes with metal bristles should be placed in a separate class. They are used for dismantling work - removing old finishes. Such tools are also suitable for creating roughness on a smooth surface. Another purpose is puttying (to increase the adhesion of the material to the substrate).

Mechanical tools

There are also convenient mechanical devices that allow you to quickly and effectively apply paint to almost any surface. These include:

  1. Spray guns are a container with a device that sprays paint under pressure.The compositions evenly fall on the surface, so the consumption will be minimal, and the result will be of high quality.
  2. The spray gun is a more modern device that is easier to use. A hand or power tool with a container and a gun that applies paint under pressure.

Spray gun

Along with the main tools, auxiliary equipment is also used in painting work. These are, for example, measuring instruments, a construction knife, containers, sandpaper, baths and a stepladder. Before planning work, it is important to acquire consumables - rags, rags and other materials.

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