How to reduce speed on an angle grinder? Create your own regulator!

The grinder engine, as a rule, operates at a very high speed, gaining 3000-8000 revolutions every minute and even more. But different tasks may require much less power. To do this, make a speed controller for an angle grinder with your own hands. You can make it yourself, and all costs will be extremely insignificant. Step-by-step instructions with photos and descriptions of actions are described in this material.

What you need for work

It is quite possible to make the device yourself. For the work you will need available materials and tools:

  • the regulator itself (it can be purchased at a very affordable price);
  • soldering iron;
  • pliers;
  • wire cutters;
  • insulating tape;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • old power cord with plug;
  • a small container with a rigid body, for example, plastic (you can put a regulator here to protect it from water).

Step-by-step instruction

To make a regulator, you need to do this:

  1. First you need to purchase the regulator itself. This small device consists of a board, a radiator with a triac. There is a variable resistor that regulates the minimum number of revolutions of the tool. There are also capacitors, input terminals, diodes and a variable resistor (round knob). It is he who serves as the speed regulator for the angle grinder.speed controller for grinder - 1
  2. To connect, you can use 2 contacts located in the middle.speed controller for grinder - 2
  3. Use a knife to cut through the insulation of the power cord and get to the wire itself.speed controller for grinder - 3
  4. Trim the insulation on both sides - it will look something like this.speed controller for grinder - 4
  5. The next step in the instructions on how to reduce speed on an angle grinder involves making a small hole in a plastic container. This can be done using a hot soldering iron. Moreover, the device should be moved slightly from side to side to increase the size of the hole.speed controller for grinder - 5
  6. Insert the wires into the resulting holes - then the speed controller for the angle grinder will be in the container, which will protect it in case of shocks or water ingress.speed controller for grinder - 6
  7. Remove one screw (center left or right).speed controller for grinder - 7
  8. To ensure a smooth start for the angle grinder, you next need to strip the contacts from the wires.speed controller for grinder - 8
  9. Twist both wires and wind one of them onto a screw.speed controller for grinder - 9
  10. The result should look like this.speed controller for grinder - 10
  11. Wind the other wire in the same way.speed controller for grinder - 11
  12. Solder both wires with a soldering iron.speed controller for grinder - 12
  13. Screw both wires to the regulator.speed controller for grinder - 13
  14. The result is like this.speed controller for grinder - 14
  15. Test the operation - the angle grinder with a speed controller should start smoothly. Next, you can make 5 turns counterclockwise by tightening the resistor bolt.speed controller for grinder - 15
  16. Thanks to this, the engine will gain even less revolutions, which will ensure an even smoother start for the angle grinder.speed controller for grinder - 16

It is clear that the do-it-yourself soft start scheme for an angle grinder is quite simple. You can adjust the engine speed by tightening the bolt arbitrarily, depending on the task being performed. This will allow you to both reduce the speed on the grinder with your own hands and increase it if necessary.

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