How to cut tiles with a grinder

Not a single renovation that involves tiling with ceramic tiles is complete without the need to trim or beautifully round the corners. Using angle grinders, they make smooth parts in the absence of a tile cutter, mill holes of various shapes and diameters, and join two or more fragments.

How to cut tiles with a grinder without chipping

Only an angle grinder can do such work. The main thing is to choose the right disk and follow the basic rules and safety precautions.

Finishing specialists often use a tile cutter. But it has a number of disadvantages in relation to the grinder.

The angle grinder has the following advantages:

  • treats surfaces of any size;
  • is able to carry out figure cutting with clearly defined parameters;
  • convenient and easy to use.

In addition, different cutting discs are selected for the grinder. This allows you to choose the one that is suitable for a specific type and thickness of material.

how to cut tiles with a grinder

Is it possible to cut tiles with an angle grinder?

We answer this question in the affirmative. In some difficult cases, you cannot do without an angle grinder completely. It is indispensable if you have to divide the tile into thin strips or cut a round or rectangular hole in the tile.

A tile cutter is much more limited in functionality than a grinder.He does not have the ability to work on large planes and does not know how to cut shaped holes. Therefore, experienced craftsmen often prefer angle grinders when working with ceramics and tiles for finishing walls and floors.

Which attachments to use

There are two main types of disks - solid and segmented in various modifications. For thin ceramic tiles, the first option is more suitable, as it makes a neat cut, practically without creating dust or chips. The second attachment is less reliable and often leaves defects.

You should not skimp on equipment and buy cheap components. Poor quality consumables lead to damage to the finishing material.

Stone nozzles are practically not used for tiles. They leave a lot of dust and make the cut less accurate and deeper. At the same time, they wear out quickly, which is not economical. Metal discs are much more suitable. Diamond coating protects against rapid wear and provides a thin, precise cut.

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Main rules of work

In addition to ceramic tiles, porcelain tiles and natural stone are also found. They require careful work and a reliable diamond-coated nozzle that can cope with hard material.

The tile cutter can only make straight edges, while the grinder has the ability to make curved cuts.

Straight cutting

Only in this case it is more convenient to carry out work with a tile cutter. Since it has a support, there is no need to hold the tool suspended. But if you don’t have it at hand, you can get by with a grinder.

The tiles are placed with a pencil, clamped with a vice and begin to be cut with a machine exactly along the line. Please note that the disc does not need to be passed through; it is enough to make a recess of 1–1.5 mm. Do not deviate from the given trajectory, following strictly along the line forward.Next, crack the tile and sand the edges if necessary.

straight cutting

Shaped cutting

You can’t do without an angle grinder here. This is a difficult type of work. Performed for decorative purposes to bypass communication pipes or various furnishings.

The action diagram is as follows:

  • mark the edges of the future hole with a pencil;
  • lay out and secure the work area;
  • We create short serifs with a grinder.

Upon completion, uneven edges are processed with an abrasive wheel.

Cutting Rectangular Holes

A drill equipped with a drill with a diameter of 5 mm is called in to help. We mark the tiles with a pencil, lay them out and clamp them so that they do not move during the process. Using a drill, make four holes in the corners. Next, we begin to work the angle grinder, sawing the lines between the points. All that remains is to remove the central part and treat it with an abrasive nozzle.

Hole cutting

You will need the help of a compass and a drill. A drill diameter of 3–4 mm will be sufficient. We put a point, outline the contours of the future hole, and drill a hole in the middle. Using an angle grinder, we make through cuts from the inside of the circle. We finish by checking with sandpaper.

45 degree cutting

One of the most difficult operations when processing ceramic tiles. Armed with a circle of metal, preferably supplemented with diamond coating, we proceed to action:

  • Mark the place of the cut with a marker or pencil;
  • lay the tiles outer side down and fix them;
  • remove the back part of the workpiece at an angle using an angle grinder;
  • We carry out a repeated pass along the intended field.

If necessary, we fine-tune the cut area and treat it with abrasive.

Safety precautions

The grinder is a traumatic type of tool. The operator must be as focused and careful as possible.All actions are performed strictly in accordance with the rules:

  1. Work is carried out exclusively in special clothing, shoes, gloves, a respirator and goggles.
  2. You cannot upgrade the angle grinder body or remove the casing.
  3. Place the power cord so that it does not get under the tool or the operator's hands.
  4. The unit is held tightly and cuts are made exclusively by itself.
  5. Do not plunge the saw blade deeper than 1/3 of the width.
  6. Do not allow work on the edge, with minimum or maximum disk rotation rates.
  7. Prevent liquids from getting into the cutting area and into the body of the angle grinder.

In addition, remember that the dust generated when working with an angle grinder is explosive. Ensure safety by properly ventilating the room when turning on the machine.

Comments and feedback:

They killed three diamonds on clinker, took disposable stones - cheap and cheerful!


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