The most harmful equipment for the home that we had no idea about

coldWhen using this or that device, users do not notice how much harm the device causes. However, without them, humanity would not be able to live fully: the way it is now. In this article, we will look at the most common equipment options, and also find out what danger they can pose.

TOP 5 most harmful appliances in the house

Below are those structures that have the maximum demand among consumers.


Of course, it’s hard to imagine a comfortable life without this unit. Modern production is distinguished by the fact that the refrigerator is equipped with a more powerful compressor than previous representatives. And because of its size, harmful radiation directly increases.

IMPORTANT! It is especially worth paying attention to the freezer, since it is in this area that it exceeds safety standards.

However, it is important to understand that that same block is located on the back. Therefore, it is recommended to install the structure as close to the wall as possible, then the impact will be negligible.

Air conditioner

As for this unit itself, it is practically the same radiation scheme as in the previous version.Accordingly, in order to avoid a negative effect, it is advisable to stay more than one and a half meters away from it. In addition, if cleaning is not performed in a timely manner, users are at risk of possible infection. This is explained by the fact that a sufficient number of microorganisms, dust and other small particles appear on the mechanism during operation.


Of course, thanks to modern technologies, today it is difficult to find such a TV that a lot of harm comes from it. By and large, manufacturers have eliminated all the main shortcomings over time. The last thing left is eye strain.

When watching television programs for a long time, the eye muscles become detrained. It occurs due to constant focusing of vision. Thus, it is worth noting that use is safe in one case - adhering to the norm.

REFERENCE! You should not give preference to kinescope models because of their inherent special kind of harmfulness.

microwaveAs for modern representatives - liquid crystal or plasma panels, this is the lowest dose. However, it is still worth keeping the normal distance from the unit - a range of 40 to 60 centimeters.

Vacuum cleaner

Due to the electric motor, a significant emission of radiation occurs. Because of this, the production supplies the device with a hose long enough so that you do not have to be close during cleaning. Consequently, electromagnetic waves do not reach a person.

IMPORTANT! Do not forget about the spread of small particles when absorbing dirt. Some of them do not fall into the built-in bag, but come out again. That is, they, while remaining in the air, can get directly to you when you breathe.


The equipment is capable of spreading a characteristic negative effect exclusively during the implementation of its activities. Thus, during operation, the presented device generates an intense field. It is not advisable for a person to be in it. Accordingly, it is recommended to move approximately one meter away from the structure. When the condition is met, there will be no impact on the user.

Do these devices have a less harmful alternative?

It can hardly be argued that without such inventions one can survive in the modern world, even if a replacement is found for them. But as for finding prototypes of devices, it’s only using a fire instead of a stove, a cellar instead of a refrigerator, and so on. It is only important to adhere to the recommendations and the permissible distance between the user and the structure.

In addition, you should pay attention to trusted manufacturers and products of only well-known brands. And avoid not only prolonged exposure to a working structure, but also close contact with equipment. This way, you can once again protect yourself.

Comments and feedback:

I can recommend that the author get a harmful Russian language teacher. So that for every mistake or incorrect turn of phrase I hit you on the head with a textbook, backhand.


But what about the cell phone repeater towers that are built next to houses?


Another gem of a “specialist”. Please clarify:
1.What kind of “radiation” is discussed in the article.
2. Where are the “radiation” standards given?
3. In what units is “radiation” measured?
4. How moving a refrigerator closer to the wall reduces the amount of radiation.


After all, it's off topic. Against cell phones and microwave ovens. The listed household appliances are simply good for health.


It’s strange that you didn’t really mention the most harmful electrical appliance - a microwave oven.
(in common parlance a microwave)
The point is that when heating food, microwaves destroy the fiber structure of the food, it is for this reason that the developers abandoned mass use (and it was developed in Nazi Germany during the Second World War to heat the food of Wehrmacht soldiers)
Later, representatives of the company “Neff” Germany returned to the idea of ​​warming up and finalized it.
in parallel, this idea was further developed by the Japanese “Sharp”.
P.S. Perhaps I'm wrong about something...


The only mistake you made is that you think that the author knows what a microwave is)))


There are no words, especially about the refrigerator) the author, you also forgot about the washing machine, because it also has an engine) and oh horror, the headphones also work due to magnetic fields)


Another who believes that microwaves destroy food. You are confusing microwave radiation, which is what microwaves are, with ionizing radiation (radiation). The latter can really destroy the structure and cause mutations in tissues. The most microwave radiation can do is heat up food - which is what actually happens in a microwave. It does not come out because the oven is shielded. You should not climb into it during operation and violate the operating rules, then there will be no harm.Moreover, food cooked in a microwave oven is even safer than cooked food, such as frying it. Since during the latter the oil burns with the release of acrolein. And this, by the way, is a substance of the first class of danger, a carcinogen and a strong lachrymator (that is, it has an irritating effect on mucous tissues). Have you ever felt a burning sensation in your eyes during smoky frying? So, this is acrolein. In a microwave oven, due to the specific nature of heating, oil combustion does not occur, and it is not always needed there.
About Nazi Germany is also a common myth. There are no reliable sources confirming that the Reich was engaged in such developments. They would also write that everyone who uses microwaves is fascists.
As for the devices cited in the article, the “radiation” that is referred to is the same electromagnetic waves as in the case of a microwave oven. Only their frequency and power are several orders of magnitude lower, and therefore their penetrating ability is lower. Moreover, we are surrounded by such radiation all our lives - it comes not only from the above-mentioned devices, but from virtually any device - even from an ordinary outlet. And microcurrents constantly “walk” through our body, since the body acts as an antenna, “catching” this very radiation. We don’t feel it, but we can quite hear it by removing the signal plug, for example, of ordinary computer speakers and touching its tip. A low-frequency hum will be heard from the speakers - this is the “signal” caught by the body. So if you are so afraid of all kinds of electromagnetic waves, then the only way out is to go into the wilderness far from cities and live in a dugout.But even there you will constantly encounter radiation - the same ultraviolet studied by our Sun, which, with long-term exposure, can be much more dangerous than the radiation coming from the same vacuum cleaner.

Lord of Fire

Electromagnetic radiation from a microwave at a dispersion of 10-20 cm is 15-50mT, when the safe limit is up to 0.2.
For a mobile phone, in direct contact when making a call or transferring data, it goes up to 5.
System unit - 10-20cm up to 30
Laptop 5-10 to 30
Of course it all depends on the build


“The refrigerator is equipped with a more powerful compressor than previous representatives. And because of its size, harmful radiation directly increases.”
And what does the refrigerator emit? Is it really radiation? And how many x-rays per hour?


The article is completely illiterate and amateurish. There are only horror stories for users and, of course, not a single piece of evidence. When a respected writer provides evidence or at least links to authoritative sources of intimidation, then we can say that everything is serious and dangerous. Before writing this scare, it would be a good idea for the author to read the operating instructions for the devices in question. Haha.


Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers