The red light on the router is on, what should I do?

A user, trying to access the Internet, may encounter an unpleasant situation: the los light, which is burning with an even green light, suddenly begins to flicker frequently, changes color to orange, or the red light on the router turns on. We will tell you what this problem means and how to solve it in our article.

The red light on the router is on

Why is the internet icon lit red?

This signal always indicates no network. The source of the problem may be errors in router settings. They occur due to sudden changes in voltage in the network or if there was an accidental reset to factory settings.

This can be easily fixed:

  • press the Reset key on the model body, all values ​​will be completely reset.;
  • log into the device, fill in your login and password (they may be indicated at the bottom of the router; if they are not there, check with your provider), and re-adjust the network data.

Another option: go to the browser and type the IP address of the router (indicated in the technical data sheet), then enter the username and combination.

ON A NOTE. To avoid such situations, connect the device through a voltage stabilizer.

The device is not receiving power. To fix this, connect the device to a different electrical outlet or (if available) use an alternative power supply with the appropriate ratings.

Where is the red light on the router?

The device firmware may fail if at the software or hardware level happened failure. This is a serious malfunction, and in many cases the device will be unfit for further use.

REFERENCE. Some models contain their own recovery tools (D-Link, Zyxel). In other cases, it may be necessary to install a new shell, but this will require certain experience and knowledge. Whether this is possible can be found on the manufacturer’s website.

The operator has linked your account to a specific MAC address. This usually happens when buying a new computer, as a result the Internet flashes red because the connection was activated for the previous PC.

There are two solutions:

  • inform the provider service about changing electronics,
  • clone the computer address yourself (this can be done using the transmitter tools).

The light is on due to a broken router

If for various reasons the device completely stops working, partial replacement (repair) of individual components or installation of a new device will be required. Procedure:

  1. Call the operator and call a technician.
  2. A specialist will assess the condition of the equipment.
  3. Replacement with a working model is possible if the device was purchased from this online company.

Otherwise, the owner will have to independently take the router for repair to a workshop, the address of which is indicated in the passport for the device.

Orange light on the router

Problems on the line

Various failures in the server equipment may occur on the provider's side. A lit router indicator will indicate a problem. The user needs to call support.

ON A NOTE. Internet operating on fiber optics is often subject to such malfunctions. Just in case, check the connections on the modem to see if the cable plug has fallen out of the connector.

The speed of network recovery is determined by the scale:

  • lack of signal throughout the entire area or city, the waiting time depends on the complexity of the breakdown,
  • there is no connection directly to your home.

IMPORTANT. In the latter case, the sooner you call, the faster the technicians will carry out restoration work.

We told you what simple and accessible methods exist to restore the functionality of your router. If after all the manipulations the problem remains, we strongly recommend that you contact the service center specialists.

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