What is the name of the wire from the printer to the computer?

Wires for connecting the printer.Often, when connecting a printer, errors are displayed or defects are detected during printing. The problem often lies in a faulty cable that connects to a PC or laptop. Replacing the wire can solve it. But what kind of cables are there and how to choose them? In the article we propose to analyze their types and characteristics.

Features of the USB cable for connecting the printer

The most popular cable is the USB cable. It is usually included with the printer, but may not be included. True, the cable is universal and easy to find in the store. If you purchase a high-quality cord and not a fake one, you can count on a reliable connection between your printer or multifunctional device and your computer.USB cable.

Pros of USB:

  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • reasonable cost;
  • excellent data transfer speed, especially in version 3.0.

The market offers wires of version 2.0, which transmit data at speeds of up to 380 Mbit, and version 3.0 - their speed is already about 5 Gbit.

The USB printer cable has Type A (oblong) and Type B (square) connectors. The first is designed for connecting to a PC and laptop, the second is for a printer and MFP.

Type A connector is a wide plug with 6 pins inside. It corresponds to the standard USB port found on all modern computers.

The Type B connector is square with jagged corners and has 4 pins inside. For a USB cable version 3.0, this connector will be blue and larger in size.

The modern wire is equipped with Plug And Pay technology. With its help, the computer independently determines the model of the peripheral device, connects it and installs driver updates.

As for the length, 1.8-3 meters is enough for home use. In special cases, they purchase up to 5 meters.

IMPORTANT! Size matters! The longer the length, the lower the data transfer rate. Particular attention should be paid to owners of multifunctional devices - for them the maximum permissible cord length is 3 meters.

This cord is suitable for all peripheral devices, with a few exceptions. A standard cable will not fit the Samsung ML-1210 and HP 1100, so you should check with the store about which cable to choose to connect these devices.Samsung ML-1210.

It is desirable to have a ferrite ring (barrel) at one or both ends of the cable, which serves as a filter against high-frequency interference.

To avoid problems with signal attenuation, you need to check that the length indicated on the cord marking corresponds to its actual dimensions. The AWG marking is American (in inches), so below we attach its translation into European metric:

  1. 28 AWG = 0.81 meters.
  2. 26 AWG = 1.31 meters.
  3. 24 AWG = 2.08 meters.
  4. 22 AWG = 3.33 meters.
  5. 20 AWG = 5.00 meters.

Additional designations:

  1. HIGH-SPEED 2.0 or 3.0 - data transfer speed.
  2. Shield – the cord is protected by foil or additional mesh.
  3. Pair – the cable cores are twisted into a pair.

Network cable for connecting the printer to the computer

The network cable is not as popular as a cable with a USB connector, but some printers and MFPs are connected to a computer through it. It is a twisted pair with one or more pairs of copper conductors twisted together and covered with a plastic sheath. The conductor insulation is 0.2 mm, made of polypropylene, polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride. This design increases the level of communication between the conductors of one pair.

Network cable advantages:

  • ease of installation;
  • low price.Network wire.

IMPORTANT! To prevent problems with printing or complete failure to reproduce it, you should choose a crimped wire. You can do the crimping yourself. To do this you will need the cable and connector itself. You can choose the length at your discretion, but not more than 100 meters.

What are other types of printer wires called?

HP inkjet printers use an AC power supply. The LPT cord is rarely used in modern printing devices. Some time ago, printers and scanners were connected to the computer exclusively through LPT ports, so it was impossible to work with them from a laptop or netbook. There are adapters, but often their quality and reliability leave much to be desired.LPT cord.

One of the advantages is the high data transfer speed. However, the disadvantage is the length of the cord - about one meter, which especially contrasts with the network cable. Suitable for home rather than office.

So, we have looked at the main types of wires that are used to connect a printer and multifunction devices to a computer and laptop.

You should be careful when choosing a cable, since if you purchase a low-quality wire that does not meet your requirements, you risk getting problems of the following nature:

  • the computer “does not see” the printer;
  • low data transfer speed;
  • refusal to start printing;
  • The connection periodically disappears.

The information above can help you select a cable to connect your printer to your PC.

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