What type of paper to choose in the printer settings

PAPER FOR PRINTER Choosing the right type of printer paper is an important preparation for future printing. It is important to understand that any mistake in this matter can lead to jams and will significantly reduce the life of your printing device. As a rule, all printers have the ability to select the type of paper. In this article we will tell you about all the nuances of performing such a setup so that you can avoid troubles during work.

How to select the correct paper type in the settings?

Choosing the right type of paper for your printer is not difficult, but the first step is to consult the owner's manual. It contains a lot of useful information, including the compatibility of a certain model with various types of paper media. In addition, it contains useful information about the printing process itself and the necessary settings for it.

This information will help extend the life of the device and avoid breakdowns. Of course, each individual model has its own setup interface, however, they all have some similarities in operation and setup. To begin, open the “print devices” tab. To do this, click on the start or start icon. Once the printer you need is found in the viewing window that appears, you need to select it to go to the “properties” tab.

This property of each printing device allows you to set parameters for its operation.These include setting the paper type for the printer. The next tab necessary to resolve this issue is “device configuration”. This is where you can make all the necessary settings.

REFERENCE! In addition, you can also choose between automatic pickup from the tray and manual feeding, depending on which is more convenient for you.

What types of printer paper are there?

Typically, classic white office paper is used for printing. It is suitable for all types of documents and is convenient, and most importantly, practical to use. In some cases, other types of paper media are used with increased wear resistance and the ability to withstand harmful external influences. Wide format paper is also available. It is usually used for printing large diagrams or drawings for certain projects. We hope that you will be able to set up your printer correctly and that it will serve you for many years.

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