How to connect a webcam to a tablet

web camera for android Despite the fact that Android device manufacturers supply their products with their own cameras, touch window users often need additional details. In addition, the factory photocells on tablets, although powerful (for the average category), are fragile and easily fail at the slightest mechanical impact. Synchronizing your tablet and portable webcam will help solve the problem of the lack of a recording device.

How to connect and set up a camera on an Android tablet

If the webcam you are currently using is equipped with a USB cord, then it can be connected in just this simple way. True, you will need drivers. They can be downloaded from the official website of the gadget manufacturer, or found on third-party sites, but the second option is more risky. The software comes free of charge, and the installation files do not take up much space in the internal memory. There is a small chance that the devices will interact properly with each other without installing software, but it is better to play it safe to avoid unexpected failures.

You need to connect the webcam and tablet using a USB cable. The webcam should act as a flash drive. After the tablet perceives and recognizes the device connected to it, it synchronizes with it, designating it as an external drive (many modern tablets support hardware separately from other devices).For everything to work, you must turn on the webcam before connecting. After the end of the “acquaintance”, the gadget must be rebooted.

If the tablet does not see the camera, then installing an application called “StickMount” from PlayMarket will help it with this. This program will provide the necessary support not only for one, but even for several shooting tools. You can quickly find a free version on the Internet, since it differs little from the paid one.

Important! After this, pictures taken on the connected webcam will be displayed on the tablet. Not all formats may be supported by the Android file system.

If the user has an IP camera, then its connection cannot be made without additional tools. It is recommended to use TinyCam Monitor for this - it is the most convenient to use. The rest of the instructions are the same, only the connection should be made wirelessly.

How to connect and configure on iPad

connecting a web cameraTechnically, there are many subtle differences between iPad and Android devices. But, in the case of connecting a webcam, the situation is similar. To establish a connection, you will need a 30-pin cord from Apple, which allows you to pair, as users say, “with anything at all.” Including a web camera. The difference relative to the tablet lies in the software - the iPad requires different programs for different camera models.

You can also easily connect a digital camera to your iPad. To set up a wired connection, you will need a “DSLR Controller”. It will help transfer the image in real time, viewing the picture on a larger screen than a camera can afford.

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