Why do chargers have short wires and is it worth extending them?

Mobile devices have made communication easier and provided the opportunity to work remotely. This is important for many people in our fast-paced times. But mobile devices can only be reliable assistants when they are charged.

Why do chargers have short wires?

And when the battery charge is zero, even the most sophisticated equipment becomes useless. Therefore, you have to take care of the ability to recharge your tablet or phone in a timely manner. This is not always easy to do. Often users are faced with the fact that the charger wire is too short. It's annoying when you discover this. Why did the manufacturers release such a package again? Isn't it worth trying to find a longer wire? Let's figure it out.

What is the reason for the wire length?

Smartphone owners ask this question quite often. But so far no manufacturer has given an official answer to it.

However, several assumptions can be made regarding current practice.

what causes the length

From a physics point of view

Sometimes you come across an explanation that is confidently (but completely wrong!) given by ignorant consumers. They mistakenly assume that manufacturers are simply saving money.

In fact, you can talk about savings, but not about careful handling of consumables. We are talking about saving time spent on recharging the device.

Important! The duration of the charging procedure depends on the resistance of the conductors. The higher it is, the more the electric current is restrained.

A resistance directly depends on the length of the wire. The shorter the wire, the less resistance and the faster the battery fills. And vice versa - with a longer cable, the resistance increases and the process itself is significantly lengthened.

In terms of battery life

Battery manufacturers strongly recommend separating the charging process from using a smartphone.


The fact is that The number of refill cycles for many batteries is limited. If you do not wait until your lithium-ion battery is fully charged and start using it during the filling process, you will soon notice that you will have to recharge the device more and more often.

The shorter the charger cord, the more difficult it is to use the smartphone during this time. This means that your smartphone’s battery won’t have to be replaced too quickly.

In terms of convenience

There are several more arguments.

  • Storing a short cord is easier and more convenient. It is easier to fold neatly and takes up less space in a case or handbag.
  • If desired, hide or it is more difficult to disguise the cord during use with a longer wirethan with a short one.

A short wire does not become an obstacle when it stretches out on the floor. Which means does not become an additional source of injury. This is especially important in families with small children, people with mobility problems and animals.

Is it worth changing to a long one?

Despite the advantages of a short wire, smartphone owners sometimes want to replace it. The reason for this lies in certain inconveniences in the location of sockets or extension cords. You have to get creative, finding a way to make the smartphone more comfortable while charging.

do you need a replacement?

You should not choose an extended cord, which seems more convenient to use. “Native” wire from the manufacturer is the best option for a mobile device.

Advice. If you need to replace a faulty wire, choose a new one with the same parameters, including a similar length.

Replacing the cord will not only slow down the procedure for filling the battery, but also lead to the above-mentioned inconveniences when using it.

In addition, you may be mistaken with the amperage that your charger is designed for. Excess current in the new cord will not help fill the battery faster when extending the cord.

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