Why should you not place your smartphone under your pillow while charging?

Many of us like to scroll through the news feed or watch funny videos on our smartphone before going to bed. After this, the phone is most often put on charge and placed nearby, or even tucked under the pillow, where it will be charged until the morning. However, not everyone knows that this type of phone charging mode is harmful both for the person and for the device itself, and this article will talk about why exactly you should not sleep with a phone being charged under your pillow.

Why can't you put your phone under your pillow while charging?

sleeping with a smartphone
Many studies around the world confirm that constant exposure to smartphone radiation is dangerous to human health. Despite this, most people continue to keep their gadgets in close proximity to them day and night, without moving a meter away from them. However, sleeping with a phone charging under your pillow is harmful not only for this reason.

Research has confirmed that negative radiation from modern mobile technology:

  • Has a detrimental effect on the user's sleep
  • Increases the user's anxiety level
  • May contribute to jet lag
  • May increase the chance of developing cancer

Reference! To limit the effects of radiation, it is recommended to move your cell phone at least one meter away from you before going to bed.

If we talk about the harm that the “night” method of charging brings to the smartphone itself, then there are many nuances here. Many people have probably noticed that when charging for a long time, the back of the device noticeably heats up. This happens due to the intensive operation of the battery. It is worth immediately noting that such overheating itself negatively affects the operation of the device, causing glitches and slowdowns of the operating system, as well as significantly reducing the operating time of the main parts of the smartphone.

If the phone is under the pillow, in an airless static environment, then the battery actually does not cool, which leads to even greater overheating.

Reference! “Heating” of the device when charging up to 60 degrees Celsius in just three months of operation can “kill” up to 40% of the total battery capacity.

how to charge correctly
Summarizing all of the above, we can say that a smartphone that is constantly on charge throughout the night and does not receive sufficient battery cooling is actually doomed to premature failure. Of course, a constantly connected charger does not mean that the phone is constantly heating up and recharging. Controllers responsible for a sufficient charge level in modern smartphones most often work properly, but even they do not solve the problem completely, because even when the screen is locked, the device’s energy is still spent on maintaining the search for a communication signal, data transmission sensors, Wi-Fi and other things.

Fire from a smartphone? Surprisingly, such cases are known in history. They don’t happen that often, but sometimes, after determining the cause of the fire, experts conclude that it could be an overheated smartphone battery.In addition, there are known cases of detonation of smartphones from one well-known manufacturer, but this is a topic for a separate article.

Where is it safe to put your phone at night?

charging result
There is a fairly simple answer to this question: the further, the better. A distance of less than one meter between the user and the phone leads to the fact that the negative radiation of the device continues to affect the body of its owner, which then affects itself in the form of not too serious, but still unpleasant health problems.

If we talk about fire safety, then you should not place the device on soft surfaces or cover it with any materials on top. It’s also a good idea to remove the case from your phone before charging. Bringing your phone to a complete discharge is no longer relevant today: a full discharge cycle does not in any way affect the operation of modern batteries.

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