How to switch language on your tablet keyboard

Tablet keyboard.Imagine the situation: you choose a tablet computer, buy the model you like, when you get home, you turn on the device, and instead of the familiar menu items you see Chinese characters under the icons. At the same time, changing the keyboard language or device interface can also occur during operation, for example, during system errors and returning to factory settings. Many tablet users encounter this problem quite often and do not know how to switch the keyboard or device interface from English or Chinese to Russian. This article will tell you how to do this.

Setting up keyboard language switching on an Android tablet

In order to change the interface language on Android, you must:

  • go to the settings menu (in the “Chinese” and “English” versions the settings icon usually looks like a small gear);Tablet Settings menu.
  • find the globe icon;
  • in the menu that appears, you need to select the top line, which will open a list of available languages;
  • Click on the required package and confirm your selection.

Important! Some tablet models require a device reboot after changing the main parameters. You can find out about this from the corresponding notification that should appear on the screen.

As for the keyboard language, the problem is solved somewhat easier.On many models, for example, you can change it by simply swiping along the spacebar. On others, the change is carried out by pressing a separate key on the numeric keypad. If you are unable to switch this way, you should:

  • go to the settings menu;
  • find the item “Language and input”, and in it the item “Keyboards and input methods”;
  • select the keyboard and click on “Language”;
  • In the drop-down list, check the required items.

Once the necessary parameters have been set, you can check the input device in any messenger or even in the notes menu.

How to Switch Keyboard Language on an iOS Tablet

In order to make the same changes on Apple tablets, you must follow the same procedure (for owners of English versions of smartphones, the corresponding menu item names are given in parentheses):

  • find the Settings menu;
  • select the “General” tab;
  • go to “Language and Region” (International);Setting the language on your iOS tablet
  • Click on the words “iPad Language”.

After the necessary “tick” opposite the native word “Russian” (or any other word familiar to the user) is checked, the device will need to be rebooted.

Important! To make it easier to navigate an unfamiliar interface, you can rely on photos of the corresponding icons from the instructions on the Internet.

If we are talking about changing the keyboard language, then the change process most often does not cause problems. Every time the user enters any text input field, a special panel is automatically displayed on the screen. In order to change the layout on it, you just need to click on the globe icon. It also happens that this icon is missing.This indicates that additional language packs simply have not been added.

You can add them as follows:

  1. Go to the settings menu.
  2. Go to main settings.
  3. Select the tab labeled "Keyboards".
  4. If desired, adjust the necessary parameters of the on-screen keyboard.
  5. Select the required packages by clicking on “New Keyboards”.

Reference! For lovers of emoticons and emojis, in the same tab, you can select the appropriate item with emojis, thereby somewhat diversifying online communication.

In the same settings submenu, you can set the optimal order for the user to switch languages ​​used in communication.

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