The tablet takes a long time to charge

samsung chargingIn the modern world, the tablet has begun to occupy more and more space in people’s lives. It allows you to do your work in a convenient place, as well as spend your free time profitably. However, there are various unpleasant situations associated with the device. One of the most common problems is slow charging.

Why did the tablet take a long time to charge?

A tablet is a personal computer in the form of a screen, which is equipped with a touch input/output system that operates at the touch of your fingers. Some models have the ability to additionally connect a keyboard. The main advantage of the device is the operating system, which allows you to use the entire breadth of software.

Over time, like any battery technology, problems with charging speed may arise over time. There are mainly the following factors that affect the charging time:

  • Battery failure is the most common cause of poor charging speed. This may be due to a poor quality battery. It is also possible that the battery has exhausted its service life, because Each battery has its own service life.
  • Integrity of the USB connector. Any disruption in the connection results in poor contact with the charger.Therefore, visually inspect the connection for damage. Also, the quality of recharging is affected by accumulated dust inside the USB socket.

Reference! You should periodically clean the USB socket using a soft brush and disinfectant (alcohol).

  • Insufficient electrical voltage in the network. Some models use an additional layer of protection that prevents the device from charging. It is necessary to check the electrical network for recommended characteristics. If the power source does not meet the parameters, you need to find a suitable network. Or purchase a voltage stabilizer that will maintain the output voltage within certain limits.
  • Damage to the tablet. If the tablet's charging quality drops after a fall, mechanical damage may occur inside the device. In this case, it is recommended to contact the service center for services.
  • Also, if used for a long time, the software may crash. Therefore, it is systematically necessary to reboot the device. If rebooting does not help, then you should reflash the tablet or reset the settings. However, before resetting the settings, do not forget to save the information on another carrier.

Reference! The process of flashing the device can be found on the forum.

  • Charger integrity. You can understand the functionality of the charger by looking at the charging indicator on the tablet. If the indicator does not respond, you can try using an adapter cable and charging via the computer’s USB port. You can also check the charger in the following way: connect another gadget.
    A pinched charging cable may cause the tablet to not charge correctly.

charging tablet

Is it possible to charge the tablet with a “non-native” charger?

In general cases, it is allowed to use the charger of other gadgets. However, the time spent on the recharging process may double, and the devices may overheat. This is due to the fact that the charger parameters are set for a specific tablet model.

However, each battery has a built-in controller that limits and prevents excess energy input. In some cases, charging will not occur due to device incompatibility.

Why does my tablet discharge quickly?

powered by PCWhile using the tablet, many users think about the reasons for the rapid discharge. The main reason, of course, is the battery, which has lost its original characteristics after the expiration of the service life laid down by the manufacturer. In addition, there are several other factors that affect the duration of the charge level:

  • Ambient temperature. At low temperatures (below 0), the battery discharges much faster; it is also not recommended to operate it at high (more than 30) values.
  • Screen brightness level. The higher the backlight level, the more energy is required to maintain performance.
  • Operation of additional functions such as “Wi-Fi”, “GPS”, “Bluetooth”, etc. They consume a significant portion of the charge.
  • Autoloading applications. Many programs are installed with a startup feature that runs in the background. Virus programs can work on the same principle.
  • Simultaneously download multiple applications.
  • Installing live wallpaper.
  • Games.

You also need to take into account that not all manufacturers indicate the true battery parameters.

Is it worth changing the battery?

tablet on chargeIt is worth replacing the battery on a gadget when the battery is partially or completely damaged. This results in the tablet not charging. In this case, you need to make sure that the charger is working properly. Or the tablet takes much longer to charge than usual, and the charge level drops for no particular reason.
The battery must be replaced with a similar model. However, it is possible to replace it with a battery with the appropriate characteristics, which are indicated in the documentation for the tablet or on the manufacturer’s official website.

To ensure that charging quality does not deteriorate, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Systematically recharge the device, i.e. Do not let the batteries drain completely. Even with infrequent use, you need to constantly monitor the charge level.
  2. Carefully monitor the cleanliness of the tablet during use. It is especially important to avoid contamination in the connector socket. Should be stored in a special case.
  3. It is better to charge the tablet through a constant power source, and not using the USP port from the computer. This is due to the fact that when using the port, the amount of energy received is limited. In some cases, the amount of energy received via USB may be less than that expended during charging.
  4. Use the gadget only at normal temperature conditions.

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