The time on the laptop is lost

It seems like such a trifle - the exact date and time, but these parameters can greatly influence some applications that are installed on the laptop. For example, if the time is set incorrectly, you will not be able to update the OS or antivirus, and problems may arise with Internet banking. There are several reasons for the constant inaccurate timing and almost all of them can be easily resolved.

The time on the laptop is lost

Why does the time on a laptop get lost?

The most common reasons why the time and date on a laptop are lost are as follows:

  1. The settings are set to the wrong time zone.
  2. Activator programs.
  3. The battery in the BIOS is dead (or almost dead).
  4. Viruses.
  5. The laptop was turned off for a very long period of time (more than one month).
  6. Problems with the motherboard.
  7. Static discharge (due to dust in the laptop case).

Motherboard battery wear

If the date and time are incorrectly displayed on the clock panel, or rather all the time is shown several years ago, then the reason most often is a dead battery, which is located on the motherboard. Why is a battery required?

On the motherboard of any electronic computer, no matter whether it is a laptop or a desktop PC, there is a battery installed, the so-called “tablet”.Its main task is to save BIOS information, including time, after turning off the equipment.

The time on the laptop is lost

The main sign that the battery needs to be replaced may be the appearance of a black image with the words “Default loaded” before Windows starts. In this case, you are prompted to select one of the function buttons F1-12 to specify the required settings.

This problem is corrected by installing a new battery. This is much easier to do on a desktop PC, as opposed to a laptop. To install a new power supply for a regular PC, you need to unscrew the panel on the side of the system unit, find the battery itself and replace it.

Attention! Several types of batteries can be used for power supply, so before purchasing a new battery, show the dead battery to the seller and buy the same one.

All laptop models have certain design features, that is, without certain experience and special tools, problems may arise with even the usual installation of a new power source.

If the date on the laptop is always wrong, then it is advisable to still seek the services of a repair shop, and not try to fix this problem yourself, so that a cracked case is not added to the inaccurately displayed time, or even worse, there is no need to repair the motherboard.

Incorrect time zone selected

Also, the most common reason why the time is displayed incorrectly is an incorrectly selected time zone that does not correspond to the current geographical location. In this case, after any turning on of the laptop, the device is synchronized with the set time zone and the selected time mode is displayed.

The time on the laptop is lost

To fix this problem, you need to go to the watch settings and specify the necessary adjustments in the time zone. If everything was done correctly, it did not lead to the required result; there are a number of other reasons why the date is displayed incorrectly.

Activator programs

These applications are used to reset the test period usage counter for paid versions of various programs. They change the date, and thus extend the trial period of the installed software.

If there are such applications on your mobile PC, you can try to remove them. If after this nothing has changed, the date is still shown incorrectly, rearrange Windows.


Virus programs can cause a lot of problems for users of laptops or desktop computers. Viruses can change various system files in the operating system, including those responsible for settings and date display.

To get rid of this problem, you need to completely scan the system using an antivirus, or even better, different ones, not just the application that is already on the laptop. After identifying the malware, perform a cleanup.

The time on the laptop is lost

Motherboard failure

If, after performing the above-described manipulations, it was still not possible to correct the display of the real date, the fault is probably in the motherboard. Possible violations of the integrity of the board, static discharge lead to resetting the settings in the BIOS. Only specialists in a repair shop can identify and fix this problem.

Most often, it is the above reasons that lead to incorrect date display.If you carefully follow all the instructions and do everything correctly, then possible problems with time failure on your mobile PC should not appear.

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