Can I use a laptop on an airplane?

When people get ready to travel, the question becomes what things are allowed to take on the plane and what are not. Therefore, many are interested: is it possible to bring a laptop on board an airplane? Today everyone knows that modern people cannot do without technology, which is why airlines allow you to carry a laptop on the plane.

Can I use a laptop on an airplane?

Is it possible to take a laptop on a plane?

Many airlines allow you to bring electronic gadgets on board, especially a laptop. But the exception is American and English air carriers, which in the spring of 2017 banned the carriage on board of devices larger than a standard smartphone. This ban applies to people who come from states in which Islam is the main religion.

The ban adopted by the authorities is due to attempts by terrorists to hide explosives in mobile computers, photo and video cameras. Moreover, there are certain restrictions on transporting a laptop on airplanes and other air carriers.

Laptop on an airplane

Attention! Even if a person does not intend to use the device, they are not advised to put it in the luggage compartment.

Is it possible to use a laptop on an airplane?

The use of a laptop is permitted during the flight. But all mobile computers weighing more than 1 kg must be turned off when:

  • climb;
  • maneuvers;
  • decrease;
  • takeoff;
  • plane landing.

The ban is due to the fact that Bluetooth and Wi-Fi can affect the operation of on-board electrical appliances.

Important! Devices with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth disabled are permitted to be used when passengers board an aircraft and during cruising planning.

If your mobile device makes sound, you need to use headphones. Do not use a wireless Bluetooth headset.

Laptop on an airplane

If during a flight the commander or aircraft maintenance personnel suspect the use of a laptop at a time when it is prohibited, the crew has the right to demand that the gadget be turned off for the entire flight. If the passenger does not comply with this condition, he may be fined.

Attention! Exceptions for the use of electronic devices - it is allowed to use a hearing aid, pacemaker and other equipment that supports the passenger’s vital functions.

When the plane lands at the airport, you can start using electronic equipment again after opening the hatch and moving the ramp.

In addition to the question of whether it is possible to take a laptop with you on an airliner, some passengers are interested in the rules of flying with this mobile device. The basic rules are as follows:

  1. During takeoff, landing, and climb, you need to hold the laptop in your hands. Alternatively, you can hide it in your chair pocket.
  2. You should not put your laptop on a shelf on board a plane. This is due to turbulence during flight: if there is free space on the shelf above, the device may be damaged by impacts.

Why you shouldn't ignore airline recommendations

During takeoff and landing of an airliner, there is a ban on the use of equipment in the cabin. This is due to the fact that the gadget creates interference in the aircraft system; accordingly, all electronic devices must be turned off.This applies to both mobile PCs and other devices. When the plane has gained altitude, the ban is lifted, but before use it is better to check with the flight attendant to avoid a conflict situation.


Another reason for turning off the equipment is that during takeoff or taxiing of the airliner, the laptop may fall out of the passenger’s hands and hit a person nearby, damage the interior, or simply break.

Flight attendants and the aircraft commander have the right to reprimand passengers who use equipment while ignoring warnings. If you continue to fail to respond to warnings, the person will face fines and court proceedings.

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