How to choose a power supply for a laptop

If the laptop charger has failed, it means that the problem needs to be solved urgently, without delay, since mini-computers will not be able to hold a charge for a long time and, accordingly, it will not be possible to continue working without a new charger. How to choose a suitable charger will be written in this article.

What are the types of power supplies?

power unit
Power supplies can differ from each other in several types of characteristics. The most noticeable thing is the connector. If the user purchases a charger with an output that is not suitable for the laptop, he will not be able to connect the wire and, accordingly, charge his computer. List of cable options with corresponding laptop manufacturers:

  • 5.5x1.7. This output is used only by Acer products.
  • 5.5x2.5. A very popular solution among various manufacturers. It can be found from ASUS, Toshiba, Del, Lenovo, Fujitsu and HEWLETT-PACKARD.
  • 4.0x1.7. HP only.
  • 4.8x1.7. Long but narrow entrance used by LG and Compaq.
  • 7.4x5.0. A connector that in rare cases is an alternative for Dell and HEWLETT-PAKARD.
  • 5.5x3.0. Original input for Samsung.
  • 6.0x4.4. Exclusive only for Sony.

In order to find out which connector the mini-computer uses, just look at the instructions.

macbookIn addition to the plug, laptop chargers can also vary in voltage and resistance range, but these parameters are insignificant and approximately equal on different devices.If in the house where you plan to use the laptop, the voltage is not stable, then the presence of an adapter on the wire cable (a rectangular parallelepiped, sometimes a cylinder in the middle of the wire) will provide insurance against combustion.

How to choose a power supply for your laptop

First of all, you should try to choose a power supply from the same manufacturer that once produced the laptop model that needs charging. If such options are not available, then any using the same plug connector will do. An adapter is welcome. In general, the brand and cost of the power supply are not of fundamental importance; only the type of connection is important.

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