Are headphones a technically complex product?

Headphones.When purchasing household appliances in a retail network, you should always remember the possibility of returning the purchase to the seller of the product. It is difficult to imagine an organization that would be happy to return sold goods. Not every store will allow you to open the packaging of an electrical device such as headphones before the buyer pays for the cost of the accessory.

Features of returning technically complex goods to the store

If the headphones are paid for, but the buyer is not satisfied, then the latter has every right, on the basis of Art. 25 of the “Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights”, demand, within 14 days, the replacement of the accessory with another, or a refund. The seller, of course, will present a lot of arguments, one of which will be the fact that this accessory is a technically complex product that cannot be replaced.

List of technically complex goods.

In such a situation, the buyer should not agree to the arguments of the store representatives, but demand documentary evidence of the reasons for the refusal. It is difficult for one person to fight with a trading organization, therefore, if the selling party refuses, it is best for the consumer to contact the Society for the Protection of Rights or directly to the court at the territorial location of the store where the purchase was made.

REFERENCE! The absence of a clear legislative document is an unreasonable refusal to replace the product!

When mentioning these two organizations and clearly intending to take such a step, not every seller will continue to talk about the possible reasons why he refuses to replace the product or return the money. But if the store continues to defend its interests, then you need to go to any of these government agencies without causing a scandal.

Are headphones a technically complex product?

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides a list of goods that are classified as technically complex products. This is stipulated in detail in Resolution No. 924, which was adopted on October 10, 2011. Headphones are not included in the list of such products! This means that the buyer has every right to replace the product or get a refund.

Technically complex products.

If this is not enough to resolve the conflict between the parties, then they are guided by the list of industrial goods that cannot be returned or exchanged. It is specified by GOST 27418-87. In the radio electronics and household equipment section you can find headphones, which are auxiliary devices that expand the capabilities of radio technology. These arguments confirm the buyer’s right to replace the accessory, since it does not belong to either the complex or non-food categories of goods that cannot be exchanged.In other words, if the headphones are not satisfactory to the buyer, then, based on the law, they are replaced or the money is returned.

Is it possible to return working headphones to the store?

Many sellers go to all sorts of tricks to avoid possible returns. For example, they focus the buyer’s attention on the fact that the packaging should have the same appearance as when sold. In fact, it is not possible to preserve the polyethylene shell of accessories in their original form and you have to first pay for the product, and then open it and test the quality of the device. The seller knows about this and uses the warning as an argument for further refusal to replace it.

Opened package with headphones.

The illegality of such actions by the seller is challenged in court. However, the practice of such appeals in various regions of Russia indicates a possible decision not only in favor of the buyer, but also vice versa. Such cases are rare and their legality can be challenged due to the vagueness of the arguments presented. But this will require effort and resources that exceed the cost of the headphones.

IMPORTANT! To be able to return a purchased accessory, the buyer must have a receipt in hand.

Sellers of small accessories resort to all sorts of tricks, citing non-existent standards or the need to return them in “intact” form. This does not happen when selling large household appliances, since the price of the issue can cost the seller his job. Therefore, you need to be careful when purchasing inexpensive electronics and discuss the possibility of replacement or return in advance.

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