Harm from headphones

air subs1Recent statistics indicate an increased demand for various types of headphones. The conclusions of experts, based on research in the Moscow metro, confirm that 80% of users of portable mobile devices constantly listen to music while in transport. Compared to the calculations of previous years, the number of people using such gadgets has tripled.

Such calculations are confirmed by the sight of young people in the gym, library and simply on the street. The number of manufactured accessories for listening to audio recordings is growing every year. If earlier headphones allowed, in addition to music, to hear some loud sounds from the environment, modern models isolate the user from everything that is happening around.

Are headphones harmful to health?

Researchers have found that in the last 10 years there has been an increase in the number of young people whose hearing decreases after 30, as was previously typical for pensioners after 60 years. Experts attribute this trend to the use of headphones, and doctors have proven their harmful effects on the hearing organs. At the same time, no one says that you can go deaf from headphones.

on-ear headphonesUsing accessories for occasional phone calls or language learning does not harm your ears.Problems arise precisely when listening to music, especially at volumes above 100 dB. And teenagers love to listen to their favorite melodies, increasing the volume, often worsening the quality of playback of the musical composition.

ATTENTION! Headphone users, due to their professional activities, suffer less from hearing impairment. Dispatchers and radio operators use this accessory periodically, and do not use it at maximum power.

For the human ear, sound perception at a level of 30 dB is considered normal. The operation of technological equipment, screams, and vehicle noise exceeding 80 dB are considered harmful to the hearing system. This level corresponds to the noise in the subway. And the headphones deliver up to 120 dB directly into the ear, which corresponds to the volume of an airplane jet engine, measured at a distance of 50 meters.

REFERENCE! Drivers of surface and underground railway transport, in accordance with labor safety requirements, must use “earplugs” - a device that isolates the auricle from noise. They are similar to earbuds, but are designed to protect your hearing only.

In addition to the ears, as doctors have proven, the entire human body suffers. The main symptoms of such exposure are:

  • dizziness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • nervousness;
  • tinnitus;
  • headache;
  • pressure surges.

Scientists have proven that using accessories to listen to loud music leads to complete hearing loss. Modern teenagers use gadgets for precisely this purpose, without thinking about the consequences this will lead to.

The most harmful and most harmless headphones

harm to headphonesManufacturers of accessories for mobile devices offer users a large selection of acoustic devices for listening to audio recordings. These include:

  • liners or vacuum;
  • pills;
  • invoices;
  • monitoring.

By fixing vacuum gadgets in the ear with a silicone or rubber seal, the user isolates himself from external sounds. Wave vibrations that are transmitted directly to the eardrum cause great harm to the auditory organ. According to audiologists, when using such headphones for more than 5 years, pathological disease processes become irreversible and lead to hearing loss, so such accessories are considered the most dangerous.

The average owner of a mobile device uses tablets, which are often included with phones. A special design directs sound to the eardrum, reflecting from the walls of the hearing organs, reducing the load of perception. Weak sound insulation does not allow obtaining good quality reproduced recordings, but it has less harmful effects during use.

On-ear gadgets are pressed against the ears thanks to a bow that is placed on top of the head or at the back of the head. They cause less harm than earbuds, and the quality does not always satisfy users.

Monitoring headphones completely, and some models partially, cover the ears from the external environment. Such models are used for professional work needs or by music lovers. It is generally accepted that this type of accessory causes less damage to the hearing organs, because passing through the surface of the auricle, vibration vibrations are softened and the eardrum perceives music painlessly.

IMPORTANT! When choosing any of the listed accessories, you must remember that each of them is capable, to a greater or lesser extent, of harming your hearing.

Does high volume harm your ears?

Research by scientists has shown that rock music lovers listen to recordings while increasing the sound in their headphones to 90-130 dB, while receiving positive emotions. It is precisely this use of accessories that leads music lovers to hearing impairment.

how does the ear work?At first, pauses between listening to music at this volume allow auditory functions to recover throughout the day. But, over time, with frequent use of gadgets, the quality of perception of surrounding sounds deteriorates. Therefore, audiologists recommend using accessories only at medium or low levels of sound vibrations.

A short distance from the sound source to the eardrum increases the risk of hearing impairment. Experts have studied the influence of various models of accessories and claim that vacuum gadgets can be used for no more than 1 hour a day. Invoices and tablets – no more than 3 hours.

When using monitoring headphones professionally, you should try to remove them more often. Listening to music using such an accessory should not exceed 4 hours a day.

Having studied the features of the harmful effects of modern gadgets on human health, purchasing headphones, use them only when necessary. It is also important to remember that when using such an accessory on the street or in transport, the perception of the environment becomes inadequate and you can easily become a victim of circumstances that can be avoided by using the gadget only in a safe environment.

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