Why do my ears hurt from headphones?

It’s hard to imagine modernity without a headset for listening to music. Each smartphone comes with its own headset. Unfortunately, frequent and loud listening to music leads to hearing damage.

Why do my ears hurt from headphones?

Owners of headphones are much more likely to visit an ENT specialist with complaints of ear pain than those who do not have them. They usually complain of discomfort in one area.

why do my ears hurt

Ear pain can occur for a number of reasons:

  1. Otitis of the external or middle ligament at the first stage.
  2. Pain can arise from the accessory if sulfur has accumulated there and a cerumen plug has formed. It can be easily eliminated by rinsing the ear with high pressure of water.
  3. Pain occurs when listening to music at maximum volume, this causes severe harm to the body.
  4. Poor quality or unsuitable headset according to the anatomy of the ear. Headphones should be comfortable to wear and not cause pain. The main thing is that they do not put pressure on the ear.

Important! A scream produces 65 decibels and is unpleasant to hear; normal conversation produces 30-35 decibels.

From big ones

Large over-ear headphones create clearer and more spacious sound, but frequent use of such a headset leads to deterioration of hearing. Another disadvantage is poor sound insulation. Such headphones should be chosen according to your physiology and anatomy, that is, individual characteristics.

Big headphones hurt my ears

From the little ones

Small vacuum headphones pose a greater danger to the hearing aid than over-ear headphones.Micro-earphones such as earplugs completely isolate the auricle from all sounds of the outside world and bring the sound source as close as possible to the inner ear. The effect of such listening is naturally impressive, but the consequences will not take long to come. After using such a headset, my ears begin to hurt sharply.

Small headphones hurt my ears

Important! The most dangerous of all micro-earphones is the vacuum type. They block the flow of air to the eardrum, creating their own microclimate favorable for bacteria and microorganisms. An infection may begin.

How to fix the problem

To avoid rare pain in the auditory organ at home due to listening to sounds through headphones for personal purposes or for work, you need to select a headset based on the physiological individual characteristics of your body.

how to solve a problem

It is important to choose a headset for its intended purpose:

  • To listen to TV sounds and Skype conversations, you need to buy monitor-type headphones. They are convenient, comfortable, fit well on the head and do not hurt the ears if they are not abused and used correctly. But wearing them on the street is dangerous, since with such a headset the street noise cannot be heard, and a person can cause harm to himself;
  • an accessory suitable for the work process worn by dispatchers must fit tightly to the auricle;
  • Listening to music in public places and on the street requires wearing in-ear headphones; they should be even and smooth so as not to damage the inner ear.

Important! Now there are headphones that are not inserted into the ear, they are external headsets. According to experts, this is an ideal choice for those who like to listen to music for a long time. They perfectly suppress outside noise without increasing the volume.This headset is recommended for those who often have ear pain from using this accessory.

Tips for minimizing ear pain:

  • wear the headset for a short time; if you have to wear them for work, then leave a gap between wearing the headphones every hour;
  • do not exceed the maximum possible volume on the gadget and do not use vacuum models;
  • periodically turn on the sound on the device’s speaker, giving your ears a rest.

These are all the rules for eliminating pain from listening to music through headphones. Follow the advice and be healthy!

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