What's the difference between open and closed headphones?

open headphones Music has long been an integral part of life. With the advent of headphones, it became possible to both move with her and perform any actions without causing much inconvenience to strangers. What's the difference?

What are the fundamental differences?

Nowadays, choosing a headset to suit every taste and color will not be difficult. They are categorized according to different characteristics, and one of the most popular classifications is open and closed.

These headphones differ both in appearance and in a number of other indicators. So the distinctive features of closed headphones will be:

  • a tighter fit to the ears (some models even completely cover the auricle;
  • the absence of cracks and various perforations, which allows you to listen to music at full volume without comments from others.

Accordingly, open ones can be defined by opposite characteristics:

  1. lack of elements that provide maximum insulation;
  2. comfortable to wear constantly (as they have minimal size and weight).

Important: Before blaming headphones for poor quality due to poor insulation and similar characteristics, you should understand whether you bought the right type of headphones. It is likely that this type does not imply such a function at all.

Advantages of closed and open

differencesDue to different tastes in listening to music, the attitude towards this or that type of headset also varies.Thus, the advantage of some will be a disadvantage for others and vice versa, so it is easier to evaluate them according to special characteristics:

  • Sound isolation. Closed ones imply complete immersion in the music without extraneous sounds “from the world,” while open ones, on the contrary, allow you to hear both speech and various warning signals.
  • Silence from the outside. For fans of hard rock, it is very problematic to listen to their favorite music at full volume without creating problems for others. High-quality closed headphones guarantee that only the owner himself will listen to music, and not all the people around him. Open ones do not have this function.
  • Echo. Open headphones, due to perforations, avoid this effect.
  • Studio use. Closed ones are more comfortable to use for recording in the studio.

Important: When purchasing any headset, both closed and open, you should pay attention to its quality.

Of course, it is not necessary that the most expensive models are the best option, but you should not demand high performance from accessories under one hundred rubles. It's best to read reviews before purchasing.

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