What bluetooth adapter is needed for headphones

When choosing a headphone adapter, you need to pay attention to some criteria. This is important because you may choose the wrong device.

What headphone adapter is required?

Adapters are needed to transmit sound signals from a computer to headphones. You should select it according to the following criteria:

  1. No noise.
  2. The presence of an antenna (necessary if it is located at a great distance from the headphones).
  3. Range. Signal transmission radius.
  4. Protocol. Responsible for data transfer speed and sound quality.

What bluetooth adapter is needed for headphones

How to choose a Bluetooth adapter for headphones

Before purchasing, you need to make sure that it is not included in the package. Most often, personal computers do not support wireless communications. But on a laptop you can check this in the following ways:

  1. Check for the presence of a symbol on the keyboard.
  2. View the presence of the module in Device Manager. This method can also be used for personal computers if it is not known for sure whether they support Bluetooth.

Bluetooth adapter

After checking all the necessary parameters, you can start purchasing the device. Usually they focus on 3 parameters:

  1. Range of action.
  2. Protocol support.
  3. Price.

Device protocol

The protocol is responsible for the speed of information transfer and the stability of the connection. Modern models have the following advantages:

  1. The connection is practically unbreakable.
  2. High data transfer speed.
  3. Energy saving.
  4. Supports multiple gadgets simultaneously.

But such devices are more expensive than their analogues.


One of the main factors when choosing. It is responsible for the distance between devices. For home use, class 2 or 3 adapters without antennas are better suited. But for large rooms it is necessary to focus on class 1. There are also modifications with built-in antennas. They have good functionality, but the price is higher.

Bluetooth adapter

What else to look for when choosing

In addition, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Price.
  2. Functionality.
  3. Strength.
  4. Manufacturer.
  5. Connection type.

Bluetooth adapter

There are a lot of good adapters on the market. After reviewing their characteristics, you can make a choice.

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